
See if I understand, you're the same person that @taskmaster4450? On the other hand if I thought of the meaning of your name, but do not imagine so much lol... however and as for your real name I could not understand, so let's start again.

Hi, my name is Genesis:), what's your name?

Or is it maybe a secret of the nasa lol if you call Ruperto or Furgencio (horrible names in my language) It can also have a space in people's hearts, no matter how ugly your name is Hahahaha

I actually (as a joke) used "Ruperto" as a fake name for signing up for svg software that I never ended up using... So I guess you can call me "Rupert" for now?? :)

Too many people hate me (spammers mostly) for me to talk about who I am! :)

Genesis is a really nice name!

If you say your name is "Paquito" I think I believe you, there would be many "Paquitos" in the world and perhaps in the universe, and the probability that your dear friends spammers find you would be almost nil, they may just want to give you a hug lol

Seriously thank you for the compliment: 3

A spammer hug would be a terrible contagion just waiting to happen... I would have to put scuba gear on and stay in a tank of cleaning solution for a week :D

Ains! But how cruel you all need a hug :(

Maybe, but NEVER from the spammer, I could catch something :O

Born of sarcasm, hardened by spam, the one, the only... @overkillcoin!!

Bwhaahaa... where would I be without spammers to rage about? Probably a lot saner with fewer migraines :D

Thank god no one has nominated me lol, because I can't make such brilliant and elaborated post like you did @overkillcoin about #steemitnamechallenge!

You;ve spoken TOO SOON!

OMG OMG @overkillcoin You seriously want me to do this OMG!! QQ
I will give it a try and its all cause of you LOL
But I am happy to see my name in your friendlist wink wink 😋
Just give me couple of days, I will learn to compose post!!
Ps. going to use your reference!!!

Dont forget to tell me once it's posted!!! :D

I was about to believe that you are @taskmaster4450
Two different personalities. One is artistic and funny. The other is serious and more into Tech.
At least I got to know the history of @overkillcoin :)

Yes, it's a crazy story.

The taskmaster is so mature and analytical, I'm... perhaps the opposite :D

hhhh yes absolutely :) But it is nice to be that way!

Much appreciated for the non-nomination! Or whatever you would call it.

I will give this taskmaster guy a follow and test him out on my feed.....;)

I'm so glad you've checked out my taskmaster blog! I'm so smart and that blog proves it! :D

Haha. You are so smart I can't tell if you are being serious or I just followed someone else who isn't you!

Fact: I WISH I were that smart, haha...

Well, even before i watched your video on how overkillcoin started, i really thinks its a Cool name, maybe because of the work over kill! hahaha

peoples think it's violent in nature, but they don't understand it's just being tired of stupid coins by greedy people ;)

Seriously the account @ taskmaster4450 is yours or are you just playing with us your followers?

100% joke. I am not the taskmaster!

Oh no, I feel cheated :( Hahahaha is kidding, but if I spent some time checking that account to see if it was true, then I realized that you do not have so much time to post in 2 accounts and so often. ;)

Yes, and the TaskMaster sometimes posts 2x - 3x a day -- wow I barely have time to post 1x a day, and this week is especially bad.

do not worry that after the storm the rainbow comes out, I assure you that soon you will have more time to publish more and it will be productive weeks.

Whew.. dodged that one...


hahaha,,, wish i had dodged too, but being tagged 4x did me in!

Now I am sitting here with a big grin on my face reading this feeling super cool for calling you out on the name challenge! That's a great account. Thanks for all the details!

Who is this @taskmaster4450 guy anyway :) Never heard of him before!

You are indeed Omnipresent my friend!

I forgot to mention....that video is GENIUS! Way ahead of it's time.

Thanks , though, back then, it had a REALLY niche audience unfortunately... :D

Who is this @taskmaster4450 guy anyway :) Never heard of him before!

I don't know, but hopefully he can't read or track down his name being used or I'm FINISHED - he's got connections!

I know right? I just couldn't handle another tag! But it made for an easier post in the midst of an insane week. :D

Glad you found it entertaining!

LOL @taskmaster4450 seems pretty cool. I think he would be flattered about your jest :)

I think so, but I have my team of defense lawyers ready. Just. In. Case.

If you got involved with the weird B in 2013, why do you still need a day job?? I wish I hadn't just ignored it when I heard about it that year...

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