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RE: What is it like meeting a Steemit friend in the physical world?

in #steemitmeetup6 years ago (edited)

Yes! It was so good. It makes Steemit feel more real too...
And I really can't wait to meet you in the flesh, you spunk (Spunk is Aussie for a vivacious, gorgeous, hawt, fun person)!

Silly pics were a must! Haha...

And I had to show a fun bit of the journey... Most of the rest of it has been ridiculously intense and exhausting, but worth it!

Blissful blessings and smiles

in joy




I may be a hawt spunk, but my hawt heart belongs to another ♡ you could say someone came in and swooped it up.
Im glad you had some fun times on your journey. I remember driving for 5 days across my whole country, it was intense, but I am super silly and lightened it up as much as I could with ridiculous growl singing along to metal and bad jokes.
Anything for smiles xD

Yay for love! Blessings on your love!

Road trips are freakin' awesome, but better when you don't have a heavy truck load of shit to cart and find out when you get to the other end there's nowhere to put it... Hehe!

Growl singing to metal! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaash! Friggin' rental company gave me a truck with a broken radio and I drove 3,300kms with nothing but my 2 year old daughter's Hi-Five TV show theme going round in my head! I actually posted me doing a metal growl version of it on Instagram! Haha!
Smiles a must!

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