What is it like meeting a Steemit friend in the physical world?

in #steemitmeetup6 years ago (edited)

On my crazy 1650km (approx 1000miles x 2 if you count all the driving) interstate relocation frenzy, I passed through Sydney and dropped a discord message to Cope @mfxae86 to see if he was free to meet for the first time evaaaa (ever) and catch up in the offline world.


This is how big the United Kingdom is if placed inside Australia. So I literally drove the UK it's length more than 3 times over within a 7 day period. NUTS!!

It’s an amazing world we live in where we can make friends (& I guess potentially even enemies too) with people that we may never meet in *real life*.

Real Friends vs Online Friends

There’s been much talk in @helpie at various points about what constitutes real life and many people prefer to call it off chain or offline life vs online life.
Regardless of what you feel/think, there is something more palpable and real-feeling when a connection is anchored in the face-to-face physical realm, especially if a good connection has been made in the digital world.

I mean, it seems far easier for one to be judgmental and/or fickle to other people if one have no physical connection.
I, myself, have even fallen victim to fair-weather friendships right here in Steemit and discord, where a couple of seemingly kind people posed as being good, kind-hearted friends, but just turned out to actually be judgmental, vindictive, fickle and lacking compassion and forgiveness. We can find that in any social media, right? But would they have found it as easy to have behaved that way if we had made a face-to-face connection?

When people meet in the third dimension the connection initially made online becomes stronger.
It becomes harder to just shut someone out.
AND it’s harder to deny that the good vibes between people aren’t real.

Anyway, back to the meetup!

Cope and I got chatting as if we’ve known each other for years. There’s always been this easy idea-flow between us when I jumped on pirate radio with him or just in chat threads, but I guess we hit another level of animation in the 3D world. (Well, that was probably just me after my third strong coffee on an empty stomach whilst being sleep deprived. Haha. That shit is like cocaine to my system! Hahaha)

Short, but Sweet

We were very time pressed as I needed to continue through on my journey, but despite that we managed to penetrate deeply into a few philosophical concepts, as well as exchange some personal family stories.
We could have chatted for hours and will do so over some psychedelic shrooms someday soon.

After we solved the world’s problems in under 45 minutes. We had Man-hugs, selfies and rebuked ourselves for not having pre-thought doing a Steemit video recording of our first meetup.

Cope has a warm, friendly energy that would melt even the hardest of hearts.
I look forward to catching up again with him in the not too distant future.

And I hope to meet you face to face one day too!

Seriously! Let's make it happen!

Please make sure you vote for @pfunk, @ausbitbank, @followbtcnews, @aggroed, @curie as witnesses here: https://steemit.com/~witnesses. These beautiful beings do lotsa good.

Thanks so much for commenting below
(because I'm hoping you're about to ).
If you felt the vibe of this article, or it's helped you shift perspective,
please do click upvote, click resteem, click follow and comment.
Let's connect, be friends!
I'd really love to hear from you.

I try my best to check out the blogs of my genuine upvoters as well as those of you who do genuine comments and especially those who follow me…

By the way, sometimes (actually, quite often) it takes me quite sometime to reply to comments, but that’s not because I don’t think you’re important. I’m just trying to juggle my time and failing! Hahaha! I am humbled that you send me comments here and promise that I will get to you.

Also, I'm a proud helpinaut!
Join the PALnet Discord group and be active there. Our scouts are in there all the time seeking new Helpienauts for our discord group!.
You could be one of them! https://discord.gg/fzxbrpD
Helping is the #1 goal!


Was there ever any doubt that the meeting of two beings on similar frequencies would amount to anything less than a spectacular explosion of awesomeness ? lolz

Yes we were time pressed but managed to stretch a 15-20 minute window into an hour of amazing constant flowing conversation spanning the many wonders of the universe. from philosophical and psychological constructs to life experiences from the cradle to present, no holds bared conversation ensued in an epic melding of woke minds :)

Actual footage of our mind melding taking place, jks

Yes will definitely have to have more sessions and discussions with the influence of the infinite universe and gods to guide our journeys.

It was definitely a great experience meeting up with you mate and it was just how these thing are supposed to go.... genuine, authentic, congruent interaction with like minded people from your spiritual tribe.

Thank you for even considering to suggest we meet up with your life being as busy as it has been with your move happening. It is much appreciated and a great experience to have you be the very 1st steemian I got to meet in real life. Hopefully my phone wont be crapping out next time of i can get some pics too. Oh and definitely worth recording our dive into the depths of our minds as well, maybe even a jam session as well ;)

Much love @nathankaye and sending all the positive vibes of the universe in your direction.

Haha! Alex Grey’s art has been my favourite since 1998! Perfect that you chose that as the mind meeging pic!
True. There was no doubt at all, which is why it was a no brainer for me to throw a line to you to connect amidst this moving madness. Super glad I did.
Chats and jams a must next time bruthaman!
Blessings and love-light vibes to ya!

Yah, Alex Grey is da shiznit. Done, chats and jamz on da roster, lolz. much love mang :)

I have a great story (wel, several actually) about a particular Alex grey painting that kept physically coming into my life.
There’s really nothing quite like seeing a painting of his in the real world right in front of you (especially when on shrooms surrounded by beautiful beings).
Maybe I will make a specific post about it.
Yeah, it would be way too long of a comment.
Big love bro

Sounds like you could do a series of stories about it, when it comes to these synchronicities its all in the details :) I would say it is hauntingly beautiful when you are able to see what inspires the paintings and make that connection across the universe, would be even more incredible to have it before you physically too :) Yeah i have a documentary on Alex Grey i have seen numerous times, may have to have another screening soon.

I've met, chatted with, photographed and filmed Alex Grey many times. True Story.

I love love love steemit people meeting offline. Makes me beam. I have huge hopes for meeting someone that I've only known online in the flesh one of these days ♡
Thanks for sharing this leg of your journey with us! Those are some silly pics lol

Yes! It was so good. It makes Steemit feel more real too...
And I really can't wait to meet you in the flesh, you spunk (Spunk is Aussie for a vivacious, gorgeous, hawt, fun person)!

Silly pics were a must! Haha...

And I had to show a fun bit of the journey... Most of the rest of it has been ridiculously intense and exhausting, but worth it!

Blissful blessings and smiles

in joy



I may be a hawt spunk, but my hawt heart belongs to another ♡ you could say someone came in and swooped it up.
Im glad you had some fun times on your journey. I remember driving for 5 days across my whole country, it was intense, but I am super silly and lightened it up as much as I could with ridiculous growl singing along to metal and bad jokes.
Anything for smiles xD

Yay for love! Blessings on your love!

Road trips are freakin' awesome, but better when you don't have a heavy truck load of shit to cart and find out when you get to the other end there's nowhere to put it... Hehe!

Growl singing to metal! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaash! Friggin' rental company gave me a truck with a broken radio and I drove 3,300kms with nothing but my 2 year old daughter's Hi-Five TV show theme going round in my head! I actually posted me doing a metal growl version of it on Instagram! Haha!
Smiles a must!

Great story, Nathan! There is much to be said about "face-time" as it were, and you hit on quite a lot of the logic and reason surrounding such... Glad you guys had some real-world fun!

Thanks mate! Yes, it was heaps of fun, even though it was a rushed meetup.
I'm looking forward to meeting you one of these days, mate! There'll be fun jams and good yarns (Aussie for good stories) told.

Blissful blessings and smiles

in joy



Yes indeed! The US Tour! :-)

This is cool. I like steemit real life meet-ups. Resteemed from the Team Aus account for you too.

ah @choogirl you da best :) much love in your direction....

Wow! Thanks so much Choochoo!
You're a whole lotta awesomesauce!
Was so grand to meet Mr Cope!

Blissful blessings and smiles

in joy



I'm going to my second meetup next month. It is so wonderful to get together with online friends in person! Yay! 💖

It totally is right? What an incredible world we live in!!

Blissful blessings and smiles

in joy



That's quite the relocation you're making by the sounds of it! Good to squeeze in a meetup as you swoop by. I wonder if eventually, as Steemit grows, you'd be able to meet someone in every town as you travel.

Yessss! I was vote # 111! How perfect is that?! Friends are friends in heartthat's really all that matters. I have dear friends all over this glorious globe.

How lovely that you two got to actually meet! :)


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