When Mommy is Mad, RUN! // Bikin Prakarya Aaaah...

in #steemitmamas6 years ago (edited)


I almost broke my neck the other day.

Yeah, such a drama. Too extreme. More like sprain my ankle was more likely lol

Boys don't clean up well after they play, you know. Is it really easier with girls? My boys are soooo spoiled. They know their momma loves cleaning up (especially after them), but this house only stays neat for a couple of secs, then would turn into a shipwreck, literally, especially since my boys love building up pirate fort IN THE DAMN LIVING ROOM.

Always want to get one of those signs that says, "the house was cleaned, dishes were washed, just 5 mins ago, sorry you missed it, though". Because that is my house :P

Should see my husband's face whenever he returns home from work. But wish he would have gotten one of those signs already! Would put it up right on the wall where one can read as soon as they open the damn door HAHAHA

Back to my ankle.

I was on the treadmill, it is located in the basement, and I share it with my boys. So it's like gym plus play room. My corner is neat, their corner is...yeah, you get the idea.

I listen to songs when I am on the treadmill. When I say songs, they are mixed from Sepultura to Celine Dion hahaha I would listen to them super loud (well as loud as the treadmill's speaker could handle). That means, I won't really hear nobody unless they yell right in the room, or sneak to scare the shit out of me like my boys, including husband, likes to do.

Anyhoo, yeah this is one of those days where I like sharing too much and am not even to the point of this blogging yet, even. Bored reading yet? I bet!

So yeah, I was on the treadmill, music was loud, and suddenly my youngest was already next to me. SCARED the shit out of me for sure. He was saying something, I could not hear, I turned off my music, and apparently he wanted to play PS4 with me, d'oh. When that little boss wants something, that little boss wants it right here, right now, now, now, now. So I hurriedly step down off the treadmill, and did not see a toy and yep, you guessed right. My muffin shaped body betrayed me. That toy made me lost balance. ARRRRGGGHHH.

At the same time, my oldest came down to the basement. Realizing what happened, he said to his brother, Baby G, hurry, come with me, ruuuun.

HAHAHAH seriously, it was like from a com-movie, which I cannot really describe it to you so you would really know that it was super funny.

But actually. What I really want to blog about is the aftermath.

Since they no longer really play with toys but Lego and gadgets. I thought to donate their toys to the local second-hand stores, but then I realized, hey, I could use some of them for some arts and crafts, so I made this!


Tempo hari habis olahraga (ceile gayanya hahaha), sok lari-lari di treadmill maksudnya, eh nyaris patah leher dah.

Hihihih, becanda kok.

Tapi bener, nyaris kecelakaan deh. Soalnya anak-anak tuh nah, manja banget alias nakal. Kalau habis mainan, mana pernah mau bantu maknya bersih-bersih dan mereka hobinya bikin rumah porak-poranda pula, haiyaaaaah.

Jadi nih ceritanya, di lantai bawah ada kamar khusus olahraga yang sekaligus merupakan kamar bermain anak-anak. Jadi kebayang kan, di satu pojok bersih karena pojoknya si emak, dan pojok satunya lagi amburadul dah.

Mereka berdua bener-bener bisa membalikkan kondisi rumah 360 derajat hanya dalam hitungan detik deh, dijamin. Bahkan saking mereka hobinya main, di ruang tamu tuh sering banget ada benteng buatan mereka. Mereka sok jadi bajak laut gitu bikin benteng. Pasti bisa tebak kan, pakai apa, SELIMUT dan juga SPREI hahahhaa

Bapaknya mereka kalau dah pulang kerja, baru juga buka pintu pasti langsung geleng-geleng, soalnya nih rumah bener-bener kapal pecah deh. Apa kalian punya anak juga? Laki-laki apa perempuan? Bener ga kalau perempuan lebih mudah diatur?Hihihihi Anak-anakku bener-bener deh, alamakjan hahaha

Kadang kepikiran mau beli spanduk yang bertuliskan "rumah ini baru saja selesai dibersihkan, 5 menit yang lalu, tapi sayang kamu datangnya telat" hahahha

Ya ampun thekitchenfairy, ngeblognya hari ini edisi curhat neh :P

Panjang bener lagi ngetiknya, yang baca aja dah keblenger yak, pasti bosen :P

Padahal nih yah, ini bukan hal utama mau bikin blog ini loh, teman. Seperti judul diatas, hari ini mau unggah tentang prakarya, tapi yah, ngalor ngidul dulu ah. Minggu depan liburan sekolah usai, bakalan sibuk dan males ngeblog, biasanya wkwkwkw

Prakarya ini tercipta yah karena anak-anak suka berantakin rumah.

Tempo hari pas lagi olahraga di treadmill, kan kebiasaan nih sambil dengerin lagu, dan juga tereak-tereak bak Anggun C Sasmi (jaman dia nyanyi Tua-Tua Keladi gitu) wkwkwkw

Karena nih ruang olahraga dilantai bawah, jadilah kalau mendengarkan lagu ku-stel dengan amat sangat nyarrrriiing banget. Seringnya ga tau kalau dipanggil, kecuali yang manggil juga ada di ruang bawah. Nakalnya anak-anakku dan juga suamiku, mereka sering datang diam-diam dan mengejutkan aku. Duh, deg-deg-kan deh hahaha. Nah karena mainan bertebaran tak jauh dari treadmill-ku, kalau pas gini terjadi, dimana tiba-tiba mereka muncul tak diundang (emangnya jailangkung yak wkwkw), aku terkejut, buru-buru turun dari treadmill, dan kadang terinjak mainan, jadilah, kepleset, euy. Bahaya kan. Jadiiii, iseng, mainan yang bertebaran itu, terutama mobil-mobilan, kujadikan dibawah ini!

Yep. I glued those cars to a picture frame.

I especially went to Dollarstore and grab glue gun, gun, and picture frames.

My oldest has about 4 school pictures that are not framed, so I will be making another 3 for him :D

Easy peasy lemon squeezy, all you need is to glue the cars on the picture frame and let it dry (they are quite instantly dried actually, so you don't have to wait for a long time :))

Disamping mereka suka berantakan, mereka dah jarang sekali main sama mobil-mobilan mereka karena lebih sering main Lego dan juga gadgets. Anak jaman sekarang haiyah, gadget mulu

Tadinya maunya sih ku sumbangkan saja mainan-mainan yang tak terpakai ke toko loakan, tapi ternyata bagus juga masih bisa kupakai gini. Jadi deh :D

Hanya butuh lem kuat, tinggal di lem satu-satu ke pigura foto, dan diamkan sebentar hingga kuat.

What do you do with unwanted toys?

I feel sad when I have to part with them, as many of them were so expensive to begin with, but also have their own memories, you know, especially when we got them for birthdays and whatnot.

Anyways, see you guys later!

Sampai jumpa lagi!

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kids are just so amazing

indeed they are, even when they are bratty :) thanks for stopping by!

Kid is always create funny moment

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i know right, but sometimes i wish there was a way to swallow them back? much easier when they were in the tummy :P

Support me yr

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Believe me it is not easy with girls either. My friend's daughter has nothing else to do than taking out the clothes from the closet and throwing them on the bed everyday. Trying her make up and spoiling it. Just a big mess and she cant even control her. Kids!!!

yes, some ppl better come up with time travel machine, so i can be wiser in deciding whether i want kids or just kidnap!!! :P

joking of course lol

hahaha! too funny kitchenfairy! kids are a trip. You'll miss them when they grow up and leave but "a shipwreck literally?" really? what a disaster! lol.
have you ever tried to teach them patience? or are they too impatient to learn? lol. bless you guys!

they learned from their mama. im the best teacher, impatient person here ;-)

oh, I love how you made those picture frames! So creative!

Glad you didn't kill yourself on those toys xx

Eek! I hate sprained ankles.

i know, they are the worst. my mom sprained hers when i was younger, and to this day sometimes it still bothering her. its been years, crazy.

Oh, nasty! How is the ankle now? I remember taking a tumble down some basement stairs because my 21/2-year-old left Duplo (a larger version of Lego) on the stairs. Of, course I didn't see it, but I felt it for sure before I landed. I did break my foot, just below the ankle. I was a long time healing because they couldn't put a cast on it. Kids and their toys!

I wish I had bee smarter with the crafts when my kids were little. This is such a cool idea to use up excess toys. I think all kids collect these tiny toys just to irritate parents, especially mommies who do the cleanup. I remember helping a friend move and one of the jobs I did was to get a large hamper and look through the house for small toys, like the kind that comes in Happy Meals. Well, when I finished collecting the hamper was overflowing! And she had just two kids. I had four and we almost never ate at Micky D's so not so many for me!

there is MD every 2 minutes stop, crazy. for a town of only 15k when the job is slow (20k when oil is booming), we have (at least) 15 pizza joints, 7 burger joints, maybe 5 liquor stores if not more. so hard to find decent restaurant to take the kids, where they can run around like crazy but MD lol

ankle is fine, didnt hurt it, luckily. thank you <3

yes, i remember duplo and ouchie! that must have been crazy. i remember breaking one of my toes, and learned nothing hospital could do for small body parts apparently, they just need to heal themselves, so i was being kangaroo the whole time, jumping with one leg here and there.

I miss you guys

we miss you too, grandma <3

Keep up the good work, @TKF ;-)
I liked the part about your treadmilling, you need a squirt gun
so you can spray those mean boys when they scare you! LOL

hey, Undy! thats a great idea. I do have tons of water guns at home, woo-hoo!!!

My daughter was messier than my son. lol I hope your ankle is better.

hi Debra! hows going, hope all is well with you

its fine, didnt hurt it :) thank you

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