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RE: Vegetarian-Like Tips for Meat Eaters.

in #steemitmamas6 years ago

Yes. Quality meat. We are very lucky (for city people) our local butcher sources all the meats from local ranches and labels them for us. Organic, non -gmo, grass fed, grass fed - grain finished for extra taste. Etc.

Spending that extra bit does slow your meat consumption. Lol.

I started writing about the quality of meat and found myself in a whole new article.

Regarding beans and legumes, I think it various by people and by region - some people don’t thrive eating them, others do. There is evidence of my ancestors eating bean tacos dating back by hundresds of thousands of years. Of course, they didn’t fry their beans or eat them with cheese and wheat.

They ate them with corn tortillas, and avocados and tomatoes and maybe even some onions. Simple, delicious, healthy, and for every day health way better than daily steak.


Im not sure I agree thar beans & corn tortillas are way healthier than a daily steak.
Steak is a good protein. Most have nice fats in them, iron, etc.

Id take some good meat over beans and corn any day, out of health, not just preference.

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