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RE: Vegetarian-Like Tips for Meat Eaters.

in #steemitmamas6 years ago

Another great write up my friend!!! I always tell people you don’t have to stop what you’re eating but just eat some of those things in moderation. Too much of anything could be bad for us.

We once “thought” about going vegan and tried to ease our way into it with smoothies and cutting down on meats. It was a hard deal and we decided we would never be vegans but could pick up healthier practices from them. I have NO idea WHY we still eat hotdogs and allow our kids to eat them when we know they are only a mush of horrible unhealthy junk. 🤢

I like your ideas and I’m sure this will help others to start a healthier regimen. 😊


Because hot-dogs are easy. Every once in a while, I get the organic, nitrate-free, etc etc, hot dogs - but it’s expensive so it’s definately a “treat”.

But I see them the grocery store sometimes, hot dogs on sale for 88 cent’s or $1.29 for a whole PACK and the kids are like “Mom, hot dog sandwiches, please! Like at grandmas house...” it’s hard to say no.

My boy does love to eat Costco
Hot dogs... you’re right... why?

I used to live with my vegan sister who was generous enough to cook for me too and I learned lots about being vegan. The
Most important thing I learned was about food combinations. Eating stuff like apples and almond butter sounds good, but it’s hard for those to digest easy together. It’s interesting stuff when you help your body make all your proteins (except for b12).

I learned from my vegan days
That avocado tacos are the best thing that ever happened in life 😂😂

Yes the organic ones are so expensive! It seems we eat them when I don’t feel like cooking a big meal, they’re just so convenient. I admit they do taste good on the grill. At times like those I don’t think about what’s in them I just eat them. 🤦🏽‍♀️

That’s really great that you learned quite a bit about being vegan when living with your sister. I never think about or research which foods won’t digest well together. I should because my kids get tummy aches sometimes after eating (so do I) and that could be from a bad match up.

Lol. They do taste good.

“Quick exit foods” is a good google search to learn about food combinations.

Thanks! I’ll have to search that!!

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