Is our mind an ally or an enemy?? | An opinion (My opinion)

in #steemitfamilyph7 years ago (edited)

In Religion, the mind is the enemy's battlefield. In Science, the mind is our core processor.

Perspective towards our mind.

It has always been an argument between two parties with different beliefs to what our mind really is. Science states that without our mind we won't be able to create thoughts and act upon it. In religion, our mind is the center to where corrupted thoughts are developed so they call it The enemy's battlefield

What i think about our mind based from what i experienced with my mind.

Our mind works in a very complex pattern, it tends to always imagine the unimaginable to think the unthinkable and even let us do the undoable. Our mind seems pretty subtle but once set wild, it'll be the scariest enemy you'd ever face. It'll be your friend at some point and it'll be your worst nightmare as well.

Our mind as an ally!

Just like in a battlefront you need allies to survive a raging war. But inside the war of loneliness and despair you only have your mind as an ally. It'll help you think of the happy moments, it'll help you remember the beautiful scenarios that happened. It'll boost your morality until you survive the war you are trying to calm. Our mind is our greatest ally when we need one.

How about our mind as an enemy?

The boogeyman, the white lady, the incubus, name them all but i fear only one as an enemy, it's called The mind. I've fought several arguments between my friends, arguments between families but i don't want to have a fight with my mind! It' scary! It'll compile series of mistakes you've done until you're down on your knees sobbing. It'll build up insecurities and makes you think that your worth is that of a cockroach. It'll put you inside a dark room with one corner for you to succumb. It'll hunt you till you decide to end the nightmares and just end everything by ending your life. That's our mind as an enemy.

Creating a sound mind.

I admit i was an enemy of my own mind up until now. But how do i win a fight from my mind? How do we calm down an enraged mind from insecurities and depression? Positivity i know it's easy to say but it's very hard to do. But to gain positivity out of negativity, we need real time friends, support from families and most especially a belief that there is a GOD willing to put a rest to our sufferings. We can never win a fight between our mind if we fight it alone. There are no rules that the fight is "one on one". So fight with the help of others.

Our mind will be a constant enemy, just calm it down by knowing your worth and value as a human, and thus love yourself with all your heart!


Truly yours,
Arvill Vaz



True enough! Really cool post.You can check out my similar post on

thank yo man, i'll take time to read yoyrs as well. :-)

Thank you for taking time to read. 😊

This is actually a good one Arvill. Keep up the good work dzong! 👏👏👏

Thank you ate kaye, i guess writing from your experience makes a result hehe. thanks for the tip ate kaye.

Ive been contemplating on the mind the last few days, and my conclusion is that im not my mind and i will not allow my mind to control my feelings, i have full control, its a matter of praticing and watching the mind think and correcting it with our God given human powers. My mind will not control me but i will use my mind for the better good of my self and the people around me. thanks for this post. i will be following you!!

i agree, we shouldn't let our minds take control over us. Hence, we should be the one controlling it. thanks for the follow man, i'll follow you back. :-)

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