Santa Claus stopped by a little early this year - Incredible Generosity from a Special User Here on Steemit

in #steemitexperience8 years ago (edited)

Early on, I wrote a review of Soylent, a meal replacement drink. Somebody commented on the post asking if I'd like to try his product.  We connected on Twitter and before I knew it I realized I had a friend of like mind and passion across the sea.  

Today, I woke up to a special treat:

This gift came from Joey van @koningsbruggen who founded a food production company, called Joylent, back in 2014.

Now, I need to add some perspective here.

At the time, there was no follow page, so not many people followed me.  When the follow page appeared a few weeks after the post, I think I had 26 followers.

I was, and am still, just another person.  He could have done this for any of the more popular or established writers on here, or any number of big people on Twitter, Facebook, wherever.

But the fact that he chose this platform to deliver such a generous sampling to an ordinary user, like myself, simply blew my mind.

Joey displayed confidence in Steemit, just as much as he placed confidence in me for being able to give an honest, thorough review.  I look forward to doing that in future posts, after I can really go through and try each and every one for a while.

In the meantime, think of the greater implications of businesses like Joey's doing acts like this as we grow and advance into a Steem-driven future.  Think of how cool it is that Joey embraced what we're doing here so much as to extend himself the way he did, just all reaffirming the special experiences being created here.

Getting caught up on the fact that Steemit isn't "sticky" enough, or the price is "crashing" is pretty pointless in the grand scheme.  Bitcoin wasn't "sticky" early on, the price "crashed" a bunch of times.  These things mean nothing when we're still at the beginning of something very special.

Joey confirmed to me what I already knew: you don't want to be next Paul Krugman and doubt Steem's incredible potential:

By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's. - Paul Krugman, 1998


Make sure to follow Joey!

Stop by Joylent and see what they have!



Thank you Derek for this sweet post. Love to hear your opinion. Enjoylent.

Now you'll have to try it out and give us a review. It is cool he sent it. I've never tried soylent, or joylent.

For sure, I'm excited, because I've been drinking soylent regularly for months. I've lost a lot of weight and feel a lot better. Plus, it's a good boost in the morning. However, the problem with soylent is that it's kind of bland at least too bland for Jess to drink all the time, so all these flavors seem like they're going to be amazing for us.

I want to take my time so that I can see how I feel after switching over to joylent for a week or so. I'll review the bars after, since we'll go drink vs drink, soylent vs joylent with the first review. :)

the packages are super eye-appealing that's for sure.

That's why I read Krugman... to always take the exact opposite position. :)

I'll stop believing in Steemit when Krugman joins XD

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