Code of conduct for teachers

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Each profession has a code of ethics, such as doctors, notaries and architects. As professionals, teachers also have a code of ethics, which is what is called the code of conduct of teachers. The code of conduct is a guideline attitudes, behaviors and actions in executing tasks in everyday life.

Indonesian teacher code of ethics is a moral foundation in implementing the call of the soul as a teacher. In the Law of Teachers and Lecturers in Indonesia, in article 43, the code of ethics of teachers as follows:

  1. To maintain and enhance the honor and dignity of teachers in the implementation of professional duties, professional organizations form the code of conducts
  2. The code of conduct as referred to in point (1) contains the norms and ethics that bind the teacher's behavior in the performance of his professional duties.

It can be concluded that the ethical code of a profession is the norms that must be obeyed by every member of the profession in carrying out the task of his profession and in life in society. These norms contain clues as to how they carry out their profession and restrictions on what not to do or do not only in the performance of the profession, but in the daily life of the community.

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Indonesian Teachers Association sets some points of teacher code of conduct:

  1. Teachers guide the students devoted entirely to the human form of development based on Pancasila.
  2. Teachers have professional honesty in applying the curriculum according to the needs of their students.
  3. Teachers communicate primarily in obtaining information about the students, but avoid themselves from all forms of abuse.
  4. Teacher creates an atmosphere of school life and maintains good relationships with the parents of the students for the benefit of the students.
  5. Teachers maintain good relationships with communities around the school as well as the wider community for educational purposes.
  6. Teachers individually or together try to develop and improve the quality of their profession.
  7. Teachers create and maintain relationships between fellow teachers based on the work environment as well as in the overall relationship.
  8. Teachers jointly maintain, develop and improve the quality of professional teachers' organizations as a means of devotion.
  9. Teachers carry out all the provisions that are government policy in the field of education.

Teacher code of ethics is a very important thing that must be considered by teachers in carrying out their duties as educators. As quoted by Ramayulis that the requirements of a teacher include three things: the ones concerning himself, with regard to the lessons and with respect to his students.

Every teacher in Indonesia must maintain this code of ethics. I think every country has a code of ethics for their teachers. If this code of ethics continues to be maintained, then our position as teachers will look more noble in the eyes of the people. Let us maintain this code of ethics with a strong commitment.[]

This article uses some references as follows:
  1. Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 About Teachers and Lecturers
  2. Teachers' Congress XVI of 1989 in Jakarta.
  3. Pupuh Fathurrahman and Sobry Sutikno. Strategi Belajar Mengajar Melalui Penanaman Konsep Umum dan Konsep Islam. Bandung: Refika Aditama. 2010

Perlakuan terhadap guru antara negara maju dan negara berkembang sangat beda. di negara berkembang guru kurang dihargai, padahal mereka mendidikan generasi bangsa, justru artis yang merusak moral dibayar mahal. di negara maju guru dibayar mahal, contoh saja tak jauh seperti malaysia, profesi guru rata-rata sejahtera. walaupun demikian kondiri guru di negara kita, guru tetap menjaga kodek etiknya dan orang tua murid juga harus menghormari guru...

In carrying out their duties, Indonesian teachers must obey the teacher's code of ethics. If it violates, the teacher can be said to be less ethical.

Very good post today my friend, keep up for success <3

Nice. Sudah saya upvote ya

Woow,, excellent post, i love my teacher 😍😍

I think this article is very helpful for teachers to be more ethical in the learning process. Good job friends ;) @teukumukhlis

Your right @teukumukhlis thanks for sharing this. I am @yzah from philippines

I agree. Teacher code of ethics is very important and should be enforced. Due to the existence of the code of ethics, the teacher will be more responsible and can perform their duties professionally.

The code of ethics is the "rambu-rambu" atau “fence” for teachers to avoid or prevent unhealthy behaviors and actions. In essence, the task of the teacher is very noble, because it becomes a light for the students as future generations of the nation.

Therefore, teachers need to adhere to the code of ethics for the good of the teacher profession itself.

Thanks @teukumukhlis already shared very important information.

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