National Sovereignty and Children's Day in Turkey!

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)


Children's Day

23rd of April is Children's Day in Turkey. This special day was gifted to the children of Turkey and all other countries by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 98 years ago. We celebrate this day in our country every year. As I am working in a language school, we decided to have an activity about Children's day by asking our students to draw or write something about this special day. We tried to learn how they feel about this day.

English can be taught through visual things effectively. If your students are especially kids, they might feel bored with learning grammar or lots of rules written on the board. If you ask them to look for information online or draw something which is related to topic, they will feel more eager to learn the language. As they are not adults, we should treat them as kids who are in school both for learning and playing.


Educating them through important day

When you want your students to learn something, you need to give them some reasons to raise their curiosity. In our organization, we asked our students to do research about this special day. As the lesson is about English language, we told them to write or draw their thing in English. Some of them found some information on internet and wrote them on some papers.

People usually learn things while they are doing research about them. When you just write some words on the board, they may not learn them effectively. It is important to give your students tasks to teach them something. When we ask our children what they know about Atatürk and this special day, many of them gave answers in English since they did research about the day and talked to parents to get more information


Don't limit

Some of them did some irrelevant things like drawing the images of animals , but it is totally okay. As they are kids, we can't put some strict rules which might cause them feel down or less confident in class while some other students put better work. If you eliminate your students when they do something wrong, they might feel their confidence in these early ages, so we decided to use all material that they prepared for the lesson.

We asked our students to talk about their works. By doing this, all of them feel that they have done something really important. If you just collect the things they have made and continue the lesson without doing anything extra, the lesson will not be as efficient as it needs to be, so having a small brainstorming about the day and teaching them some new words can double the efficiency of the day.


Children's room

In our institution, there is a room that we always use for the lessons which we have with our children groups. When they bring the material they have prepared for the special day, we put them on the walls so that they can have a look at them whenever they want. Whenever they look at them, they will be exposed to those material more which is really useful for their learning progress.

When you create a classroom for your children students, you should make it as colorful as possible. The shouldn't feel like they are forced to go there. It can be an area where they are having fun while learning. Learning can be achieved when you manage to make it interesting and appealing. When the target is children, it is much more important, so it is a great idea to have the walls with lots of works that they prepare for us every week.


Peace at home, Peace in the world

It is very crucial to leave our children a safe world. One of student has written an important quote made by Atatürk, the person who has gifted our children this special day. It is written " Peace at home, Peace in the world". Children don't know what the war means, I wish all people were as pure as children.

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I wonder why if its children's day, they don't get a day off school?

If I were a kid that would probably be the best gift, especially since its Friday hehe :P

They are going to have a day off on Monday :)

Thank you for the support 🙏

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