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RE: Helping Children To Cope With Failure In A Demanding World

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

You're right in what you express in this article @sweetpea

But if young children are pressurized to learn before their minds (and hearts) are ready and if they have not yet learnt to cope with failure (because they are too busy living up to expectations), then it can have hazardous effects on their self-esteem, self-confidence and even their schooling careers.

My experience of this came from my grandfather. My mum was completely nurturing in that she made the distinction between what was most important; the attempt to do something rather than the success of the endevour. After all, without being encouraged to try and fail without recrimination, a child won't find what they enjoy as well as excel at. My grandfather on the other hand, was a real old-school 'find what you're good at and stick too it' kind of guy. I have memories of him berating me over things as early as the age of 5. He was massively critical of what he saw as, a waste of time. This sunk in to my subconscious nice and early and has stuck around like mold effecting me to this day. I distinctly remember him criticising me at my graduation ceremony for choosing to do imaginative writing, "a waste of time" were his words. Lol, only time I have ever swore at a member of my family but I am not ashamed to admit that I told him to F off and the guys eyes popped out of his head. Turns out that he was deeply bitter at being pushed into being a draftsman when he could have gone to oxford to maths on a scholarship, in the 1950's when it was very rare for a working class person to get such an opportunity. It shows how these negative mindsets are born and perpetuated. I forgave him a while back.

Thanks for sharing this thought provoking article, sry if I've rambled a bit in this comment 😉


Wow, what a story! My husband shares a similar experience with his grandfather too actually! Thank goodness you had your very wise mother backing you! While I'm not too share about all the changes the world has made, I am very grateful that these days we are given more options and free-reign to decided what it is we want to do in life. Thank you for sharing this motivational piece, and I am so glad you pursued your dream!

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