How To Participate in Walking Races

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Walking races (also called racewalking) are an athletic competition similar to running races but not completely the same. In walking races, individuals walk at fast speeds, follow specific rules, and travel long distances. A popular Olympic sport, walking races are challenging because they require the participant to keep one foot on the ground at all times and the athletes back toe can't be lifted until the front heel hits the ground. Participants are also required to keep their back leg straight until the person has moved forward and is ready to take another step.

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How Do You Racewalk?

When learning to racewalk you should keep your back straight with your eyes focused in front of you. While racewalking your arms swing back and forth so you should keep your shoulders low to allow your arms to move. Your arms will be kept at a 90 degree angle while your hand makes a fist. You push off to take your steps using the front of your foot. When you take a step you will land on your heel (keep your legs straight with very little bending).

Instructional Video To Learn The Basics of Racewalking

Tutorial Race Walkers

Different Competitions For Racewalking

ParticipantsRacewalking Distances Offered
Men10, 20, 30, 50 km
Junior A (male)5, 10, 20 km
Junior B (male)5, 10 km
Student (male)1, 3, 5 km
Woman3, 5, 10, 20 km
Junior A (female)3, 5 km
Junior B (female)3, 5 km
Student (female)1, 3 km

How To Get Disqualified From The Race?

  • Participants must walk in a specific way and carry their body in a set position. Judges look at how a person is racewalking. If they are not doing the race in the proper way the participant can be disqualified.
  • When walking ,one foot must always be in contact with the ground. Not keeping one foot on the ground can get a participant disqualified.
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct can disqualify participants: competitors that drive, cut, and block other athletes; competitors who put obstacles in front of other participants.
  • Usually racewalking contestants are given advanced warning if they commit an offense. When committing a second offense, they are immediately disqualified.
  • In a fast walking race conducted on a track, a disqualified participant must leave the track. If a fast walking race is held on a road or highway the disqualified participant must must immediately leave the racing area.
  • If circumstances, like in highway races, do not permit referees to notify disqualification to participants, then they will be told after the race ends.
  • We recommend using the white flag as a warning sign to notify the other referees of a race that someone was disqualified.

Starting Techniques

The following is a brief description of starting technique:

  1. Stand a few feet behind the starting line.
  2. After seeing or hearing a gesture to take a starting position from the starting officer, you will prepare for the race. Take your first step from this position: Place one leg behind the starting line with the knee slightly bent, while the other leg is straight behind and relaxed (not rigid). The body will lean slightly forward with your weight resting on the front leg. Both arms hang limp or with elbows slightly bent, close to the body, while looking straight ahead.
  3. When hearing the command "Go!" or the sound of a starter pistol, immediately step forward with your leg from behind. Keep proper posture until past the finish line.

Credit Pixabay

Useful Tips:

  1. When moving forward, the body tends to lean forward or backward because of the position required for racing. Because of this you need to keep the body upright and shoulders loose so your arms can swing to help you balance.
  2. Head Position:When a fast moving walker travels forward their head shakes from left to right. Head movements should not interfere with the speed of the walking. Keep your eyes straight ahead.
  3. The path of the walker is straight ahead. You should walk in a straight line.
  4. The arms should swing from front to back and should be at a 90 degree angle.


Referees watch the participants of the race and judge their performance. They judge the racers and ensure no one should be disqualified for violating the rules of the race. Judges work together but also as individuals. They each take a position along a track and watch the racers from their designated spot. If someone is suspected of violating the rules of the race, the referees discuss the problem together and make a group decision on how to handle the issue.

Credit Pixabay

Long Races

In international races over a distance of more than 20 km, refreshment tables should be provided by the committee holding the race every 5 km, 10 km, and 15 km. Participants are disqualified from picking up/receiving refreshments outside of predetermined spots.

For Olympic, Regional, or Regional Championships, the circuit for the 20 km fast walking track must be a maximum of 3000 m with a minimum of 1500 m. Each participant must submit his/her registration form for a 50km or 30 mile (or more) accompanied by a doctor's certificate. Each participant must have a physical examination performed by a doctor appointed by the committee for the race.


Races where people run are popular, but racewalking offers a unique challenge to racing. In walking races, participants must follow rules for posture and performance. Having to follow standards and rules set to race by walking at a brisk pace can be challenging. Racewalking is a great form of exercise and competitions are popular and fun.


This post has been edited and checked for plagiarism by a member of the @blue-pencil team! Please visit this link to learn more about @blue-pencil.


Thank you for letting a member of the @blue-pencil team help you with your post!

Thanks @marxrab for your attention

Wow, what an amazing education brotha, Especially sport specification, Love to read for learn more to earn more information.

Thank you for sharing :)

Your welcome bro

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