Good to Know: Tamilok (Teredo Navalis), A Philippine Delicacy

Ever wondered how this... would fit your tummy?

Meet the 'Mangrove Woodworm' or what is called as "Tamilok" here in the Philippines.

The Tamilok is actually not a worm, though it looks and feels as such, it is part of the Terinidae Family, as a Marine Bivalve Mollusc (A Saltwater Clam). What is considered as a Shipworm in other parts of the world, the Tamilok has a small shell that has 2 valves in the anterior end that is specialized in boring through wood. Considered as a Sea Termite, it feeds on wood by drilling holes into them and sometimes be the cause of damage and destruction to sub-marine timber structures and even hulls of wooden boats.

Not the most Appetizing, but definitely Interesting

Though we have established that the Tamilok is actually a classification of a Saltwater Clam, the looks of it just does not belong in a Seafood Platter (I am sure many would agree).

The Tamilok that are considered as a delicacy are the type that eats Mangrove Trees. Made known in the magnificent Island of Palawan, the Tamilok is harvested from old(Maybe even decaying) Mangrove Trees. Chopped in half or in however many pieces you want in the hopes to find the Tamilok, sitting and waiting for it's Spicy Coconut Vinegar Bath.

Eaten raw, and as much as possible, straight from the freshly chopped Mangrove Tree, the Tamilok is dipped in the Vinegar bath in a way we call Kinilaw (The Process of Eating Raw, what others may call Ceviche or Sashimi). Surprisingly, though our expectation is that of an "eekie, yucky" taste and texture, it reminds us that of the regular Saltwater Clam with a bit of an earthy taste that might have come from their diet of wood. The Tamilok meat is sweet, refreshing, googly and wiggly at the same time.


What do you think? Did my Hubby, @shote.said have the courage to devour this?

Finish Line!

If you ever have the chance to drop by the Philippines and head over to visit one of the 7 wonders of Nature, the Underground River in Puerto Princessa, be sure to check out the Tamilok. And make sure you gather the courage to see for yourself and maybe get to devour one. It is not as bad as you think it is, to be honest.. I even had one myself.


What he can do, I can too!

I had a blast making this post, I still remember the love at first bite. I have to be honest though, I was scared as hell trying to put one in the mouth, but after the first one, not long after I asked for seconds. This is definitely something anyone should try at least once in their lives.

I hope you learned plenty about the Tamilok today, it is definitely not your average worm.

If you enjoyed, and learned from this awesome adventure, please FOLLOW me, as I am planning to do more good to know stuff from the Philippines.
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See you guys on the next GOOD to KNOW(G2K)...


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Filipino here @newkidintown but haven't tried eating Tamilok yet. I don't think I have the courage to eat those worms. But, hmmm.. It's challenging though haha!

My taste buds are not brave enough and my stomach too, not fun of eating exotic foods too.

Anyways this is an interesting article, nice to know that there are lots of exotic foods in different area of the Philippines.

I have a post about foods too I'll be glad if you take some time to visit this blog about unique Filipino dish

Thank you and have a great day ahead!


Glad you enjoyed my post @jjeeppeerrxx143! You should really try it sometime :)

will definitely check your post too!

Oh by the way I just click the follow button! Consider me as one of your followers here in Steemit. I find you interesting and looking forward on your future posts.

Take care and keep posting!

Thank you, I would really appreciate that! followed back :D

Uhm ...... I do not think so - very interesting

C'mon @anneke! It actually taste like oyster.. hehe

I do not care what it tastes like - it is what it looks like that upsets me hahaha

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