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RE: Health Advice for Everyone - Keep a clean diet!

i feel sad... all my favorite things to eat are listed under "reduce"..

its really a struggle to stay fit and keep a healthy lifestyle. It takes determination and stong dedication to stop yourself. The fight with yourself is the hardest part.

I know I should start eating clean, we benefit much of it to avoid any illnesses that might arise in the future especially now we are not getting any younger.

so mam, how did you find the courage to change your diet?? what motivates you to swift the change?


"The fight with yourself is the hardest part." <<< You are absolutely correct here. I started on my path to health and a "normal" BMI when I was 46 and got here when I was 50. This was 8 years ago, and I honestly have not had any trouble with my weight since then. This is an incredible result since I was a fat 4 year old and had never lost weight before in my life.

The original moment that changed my life was on October 10, 2007. This was the day I almost crashed my car at high spreed because my big fat stomach would not allow the steering to turn. This happened on my way to work and I had no other path to travel.

It was not so much courage to change as it was fear to remain the same. My goal is to help other people before they get to that terrible place in life. Or even if they are in a worse place, they can still do the same thing I did. I know many other who have since I started paying attention.

As far as "all your favorite things," Please give me the top 2-5 of those and I will see if I can give you some strategies. As I said in my post, I did not really stop eating things I liked, I tweaked them to be more healthy.

oh wow.. it took you long on this journey. Though I dont weigh that much, but I have rather gained more pounds since I gave birth a year ago. Im into breastfeeding my yougest, that is the main factor I ate so much because I need to it in order to lactate. I cant afford to buy lactation capsules, so I just resort to eating foods rich in galactogogues.

the following are listed below:

  • processed foods
  • food with added colors and flavors
  • fried foods
  • food inlarge quantities

The whole issue of what to eat while breastfeeding is not one I have worked with up to this point. You need to do what is best for the baby no matter what. If you are on fb (I know!) you can find active groups of moms in your same spot. Try searching for groups with the keywords of "breastfeeding" and "natural." I know you can find support there.

As to whether or not this is the time to get a grip on your health and weight, only you can make that decision. Try looking at this older post and see how long it will take you to get to where you want to be if you started to lose now. Then put this away for a few months and go back to it.

Before I lost weight, one of my doctors told me that the average American adult gains 5 pounds a year between the ages of 30-60. This was a few years ago. So that is 50 pounds each decade.

Another point I will make is that my now 25 year old son @bxlphabet has severe and debilitating ptsd due primarily to my obesity when he was young. I did not lose weight and get healthy until he was 18 and this is the biggest regret of my life. You may never have the horrible traumas I did with my weight. But being the healthiest you can for your child is a very important goal.

My ideas for the food issues you listed:

processed foods

  • seek ways to make similar foods for yourself and you will find they are cheaper, taste better, and are better for your health. Pick one and go for it. Then the next, and the next etc.

food with added colors and flavors

  • You can look up the various colors and flavors on the cdc website and scare yourself out of eating them! They do not hide the bad effects over there at all. But on the other hand, skip that step and just find a healthier alternative. For one example (which may not apply to your case) natural cheese is not orange. Simply by only eating white and other un-dyed cheese, you have removed a whole bunch of toxins. You still get the cheese; you do not get the dye. Pretty much any food with colors and flavors can be found without them if you look. Start reading labels and seeking those healthier choices. This one is really do-able.

fried foods

  • This again is a matter of finding alternatives you enjoy. I am not a fan of making "fake fried" food. Instead I try to find another way to enjoy the same thing without frying it. The best way to go about this is to list out a few of your favorite fried foods and see what you can find as alternatives. Try one and see. Maybe you like it - maybe not. But keep trying the other ones anyway. I was not too big of a fried food person myself, but now I really don't enjoy it. You will be very surprised how your tastes change if you work on them.

food in large quantities

  • It is almost impossible to reduce the quantity of your food without increasing the nutrition. Half of a non-nutritious diet is a really bad idea. I tried this for a couple of years. I did not lose much weight and I was miserable. Once I started to increase my nutrition, everything changed. All of the sudden I did not need so much food and I was satisfied anyway.

In conclusion

  • you have a really good start here. Get more specific and chip away at it. Don't try to make 10 changes at once. You only need to make one change at a time and try your best with it. If that one does not work, and especially when it does, on to the next. After you have few good changes under your belt, it all becomes easier in a snowball kind of way. A few months from now, you will not believe how much better you are doing.

I will be glad to help you - any time on any post

oh yes! Actually I am already a member in one of those breastfeeding groups.. I am just taking things at my pace, I aint rushing anything right now. As it is my baby's health must comes first before myself.

I was just inspired in your story. :)

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