Check, check, and check again. Being thorough is important when producing quality work.

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

How many times have you spent all day writing an article only to publish it and realize it is full of errors?

That has happened to me quite a few times.

It doesn't just happen when writing articles though.

People tend to make errors all throughout the day because they don't pay attention to what's really going on around them.


I encountered a good example of this today at my restaurant.

Several delivery companies come to my restaurant to pick up food.

You've probably heard of at least a couple of them.

Door Dash, GrubHub, Favor, Amazon flex.

Our bar is absolutely filled with little iPad devices, each one connected to a different delivery service.

When the orders come up we put them at the side of the restaurant in a space that is reserved for these services.

We usually go over the order with the person that picks it up. It's easy because they are very interested in making sure that the order that they pick up is the right order.

They want to please their guests so that they can get a good tip.

However, today a young lady came in to pick up a GrubHub order. She just rattled off a name, grabbed a bag, and walked out without even waiting for the bartender.

It was the wrong bag of course. We then spent the next couple of hours dealing with GrubHub in order to get the food for the Doordash order that was taken by mistake.

The lady working for GrubHub was obviously in a hurry and she did not take the time to check her food. You can rest assured that she did not get a tip, and that her rating for GrubHub is not likely to do well.


All of us are in a hurry once in awhile.

However, there is a unique balance that must be held.

There's a way to both move quickly and also be accurate.

It's called checking your work.

One check isn't usually enough.

I look on Steemit and I see articles that are full of errors even though I can tell that the author spent a lot of time coming up with the idea, making an outline, and then writing the article.

After all that time writing it, why did they not spend any time proofreading their work?

I understand the concept of moving fast. There's a lot to do in the day.

As a matter of fact, I work full time. I actually work more than one job. I also do quite a bit of writing.

Each of these things can be time consuming, and if there's a way to move a little bit faster, then I will often take it. However, if I'm going to spend the time to do anything....... then I want to do it right.

It really can't be stated often enough.

Check, check, and check again.

Being thorough is important when producing quality work.


Great article and anecdotal story. I notice when people are not meticulous- for instance my Uber driver, it shows up in their rating. The girl with the Grubhub will learn her lesson. As far as checking Steemit articles, I always proof read mine a couple of times and always find errors! I totally agree we must be scrupulous if we are setting out to make quality content. Hell, I made a couple of errors just writing this comment! Thank you!

It happens to the best of us. I find that one must check their work about 4 times to be completely error free.

The thing is, it takes a lot more time and effort to fix mistakes like this than it does to prevent them.

Steem Keepers eh? Now that's interesting. ;)

Thank you very much @jeezzle for this post, because it is very useful for accuracy in making posting, so that our post interesting to be read by member steemit.

Indeed. Thank you for your comment.


The problem with proofreading your own work is not waiting long enough between writing and proofreading. If you just wrote it, your brain knows what it's supposed to say and you're bound to miss mistakes. At least in my case, that happen to me all the time, I always proofread 2-3 times, then the next day - oops I wrote "an" instead of "and" or other such mistakes lol

That happens too. Sometimes your mind sees what it wants to see or what it expects to see as opposed to what is actually there.

Great post. To me this speaks to something I've noticed ever since I had to work for a living. I see so many people who take zero pride in doing things to the best of their ability. I never understood that attitude. I take pride in everything I do, no matter how small.

Well we all have good days and bad days. Taking pride in what you do is extremely important, and I don't hold anything against this girl because she probably was just having a bad day, but it's definitely important to check your work. Sometimes it's about pride and sometimes it's just about getting through the day. She's going to have a harder time working for GrubHub now that she made this easily fixable mistake.

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