The Magical Caterpillar - A Story About Seeing the Magic in the Moment

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)



Magic is all around from the high sky to the low ground. There are big heavy machines called airplanes that fly in the sky without a problem and go faster than a car.

Why it even seems that the sky can go up forever.

There are trees that are changing; one minute they are bald the next they are full of beautiful bright green leaves.

There are the flowers planted in the ground, and with just a huge gust of wind or breath their seeds can travel around to find a new place to land and grow into flowers too.

Some bugs like fireflies even glow in the dark. They fly around like a floating lantern.

It seems like all the birds come out to sing to welcome spring.

All these things are so amazing and a miracle that they happen. In a world full of magical things, why wouldn’t a caterpillar be magic as well?

There was an old caterpillar that didn’t see all these wonderful things because he was too busy focusing on his negativity.

He laughed at the idea of magic, believed all those things just happen and there is nothing special about it at all. He didn’t believe he wasn’t magical, so his world grew dull and he felt out of place.

The ground wasn’t where he was supposed to be; he wanted to fly among the birds and planes. Yet he would just mope as he crawled several inches through the blades of grass and did not see how fast it grew while he passed.

He was jealous of the things in the sky because he wishes he could fly.

Maybe he was just jealous of their magic; all creatures are, but they won’t share their secrets.

The squirrels can climb up a tree at ninety degrees. A bee can make enough honey to fill the hive to please his queen. A grasshopper can jump over flowers. A frog can shoot out its tongue several feet. A bat can barely see but can use echo sound location. A beaver can build dams to stop powerful rivers. A chameleon can change colors to protect itself from predators. A peacock has a colorful fan of feathers to show off at the zoo.

What can a caterpillar do?

But one day the caterpillar found out just how magical a caterpillar he was.

He woke up wrapped in a cocoon like a magician’s cape and over the next few days he felt that he was changing into something very different.

He was transformed like magic, his wish did come true after all.

His many legs turned into a few and his tiny body grew magnificent orange wings.

The caterpillar realized there was magic in the world, because he was now a butterfly flying all around and he could finally see all those wonderful things.

His negativity stopped, and he became as positive as can be.

“In a world full of magical things, why couldn’t I have seen these things sooner? I guess I wasn’t looking hard enough.” said the magically transformed caterpillar.

The End

Written with <3 <3 @hopehuggs

Pictures in thumbnail and separator sourced from





An excellent story this was so nice to read thanks dear for sharing this

Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

Excellent article @hopehuggs, with this post you showed us because we must see life in a better way, more positive, that way it will go better, you have my vote, I follow you! :D

Great story great moral short but its so effective.

Need to adapt and impliment this morals in your day to day life this is great work from @hopehuggs.

There's indeed magic in the world. We just forget this as life goes on and we are faced with the struggles of daily living. We forget the beauty of nature, the magic inherent in growing things and beautiful animals and insects, flowers and trees.

It would seem only kids still see the magic and even those days they are losing that touch with proliferation of cable TV and the internet, nature is slowly been forgotten; the glow of the rising sun is no longer as important compared to game consoles and such.

Lovely story @hopehuggs

This is a great learning curve for people thanks a lot mam hope we can get a lot more of these.

Some time ago, I have read somewhere a beautiful saying that goes so perfectly with your lovely text. Here it goes:

"How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."

Thank you for sharing your amazing post with all of us 💚💚💚

This is cool. There is beauty in everything if we can look beyond the surface.

The Magical Caterpillar is the best story ever you will come across.

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