The adventures of Shoelace and Button- The tree-house - Original children story - part 2


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Shoelace and Button were overjoyed that they now lived next door to each other. Each morning just after seven they met each other in Tom's driveway so they could ride to school together. They had big plans for the holiday and it was just around the corner. When the bell rang on that last day of school they couldn't wait to get home. They had been planning a project to build a tree-house, and they had both been saving up for material. 

Button's father even agreed to help them, because he wanted them to be safe, and did not think that two ten year old's will be able to build a tree-house on their own. 

He helped them make a list of everything that they will need and after they paid for everything asked the shop to deliver on Saturday. He had set aside his whole Saturday to help them.

Friday afternoon when all the wood was delivered, Shoelace and Button packed everything neatly under the big old oak tree in Tom's garden. Button's father made them promise that they would wait for him before they start building otherwise it might just be one whole mess. 

Both boys agreed, but as they sat under the tree on the big pile of wood, Button had the best plan ever. 

"I think we can help my dad with the measurements. One of us should go up and measure the floor of the tree-house. It would save time tomorrow so that we can start building faster."

"Hmm I was thinking the exact same thing." Shoelace said. 

Shoelace fetched the measuring tape from the garage and handed it to Button. 

"I think you should do it."

Button nodded. He put the measuring tape in his pocket and started climbing up the tree. Shoelace navigated from the bottom and when Button was high enough he told them to find a safe spot so that he could measure.

Button did not feel safe at all. He looked down and felt the gravitation pull him down. He hung on for dear life, but was able to measure at least one part, before he lost his balance and fell to the ground. Shoelace even tried to catch him, but he missed and Button came crashing down.  

Shoelace quickly ran to his aid, but he could see that Button was hurt badly. 

Button lay there crying and when he finally sat up he couldn't move his arm. 

Shoelace quickly ran for help and within minutes poor Button was rushed to hospital. He had broken his arm. He was given a neat cast, and Shoelace was the first to sign it. 

Button's father was very angry when he arrived home that night. He scolded both the boys and they were very sorry that they did not listen. Now they had to wait a full six weeks before they could have their tree-house. They both went to bed sad that night, and it felt as if their whole lives had stumbled down. 

- To be continued -



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I love this - I hope you are thinking of publishing on Amazon with this type of thing.

Urgh, I would absolutely love to do that but if I just had the time to come up with proper stories that I don't publish on steemit then I would do it. I was thinking of doing that a while back, and even have a brilliant art student that would do the illustrations for me. I have put that aside for a while, but it is my long term goal...eventually like everything else in my life...ha ha ha

lol - I know what you mean about that - i will be doing a lot of stuff later too!

I am not a children's story writer, but I know they are hot and in short supply on Amazon. People buy them 50 at a time for their kids to have for road trips on the kindle. I am in writer's groups and read quite a lot of success stories in that genre.

Apparently I am a writer in heart and soul. If I had the choice I would just read and write the whole day long. Perhaps with a little motivation I should put in the effort to actually do this. Perhaps I need to write a series of stories during my long holiday coming up in addition to my daily posts on steemit. I just don't want to publish anything that I might publish on just seems weird. Perhaps you can guide me a little on what to do although I will be doing my own research too.

Shoelace and button, that's an amazing name for the two boys in the story, I guess children can really relate, I enjoyed reading.

Typical boys! No patience to wait a few hours...

Awe i am sure things will look up for Button and Shoelace :)

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