The adventures of Shoelace and Button- The hero - Original children story - part 6

It was only two days before the school started after the holiday, and for once it was a lovely day. Shoelace and Button got up early in the morning, and went for a bike-ride. The sun was shining and a little later they decided to go for a swim. There were plenty of friends at the swimming pool and everyone enjoyed themselves tremendously.

Button's mom packed some hotdogs for lunch, and they were sitting in the shade eating their lunch when they heard a commotion at the swimming pool. One of the children brought their little puppy with them to the pool, and everyone was in awe about the cute little puppy.

A little while later the ice-cream truck stopped near the pool and most of the kids rushed to the truck. Button was too lazy to go, and send Shoelace to go and stand in the row.

He decided to take a dip in the pool to cool off, while he waited for his ice-cream. Most of the kids were still at the ice-cream truck and no one was looking after the puppy. Button was just about to get out of the pool when he heard a splash.

He thought one of the kids jumped into the pool, but he checked and there was no one. He was sure he heard something and when he turned around, he saw the little puppy fighting for his life. He was too small to get out and he was just splashing and close to drowning.

Button jumped in and swam towards the puppy. He grabbed the puppy and lifted it above the water. He put the puppy on the side, but the poor little thing was just shivering. He took the puppy and ran to fetch his towel. He rubbed the puppy with the towel and then went to sit in the sun to help dry the puppy.

The little girl realized that her puppy was gone, and came running back with her friends. They were so relieved when they saw Button with the puppy. He told them what happened.

The little girl thanked him for saving her puppy.

Shoelace got back carrying both ice-creams and Button sat there gloating in the sun. He had a big smile on his face, and he felt very proud of himself.

Most of the girls at the pool walked past, giggled and then waved at Button. They seemed to be very impressed with his heroic act.

Shoelace was totally unaware of what happened and looked surprised when Jessica the most beautiful girl in the school walked straight to Button and kissed him on the cheek. Shoelace was totally puzzled.

"Is there something that you need to tell me Button?"

"Nothing really, but I believe I'm the hero of the day." Button said with a big smile on his face.

"Next time, you are getting the ice-cream Button...."


Nice post.
Very interesting.
Keep it up.

I always fall in love with your stories and the way you express and write them.

All i can say is ..... It is awesome

Love your story!

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