The adventures of Shoelace and Button- Original children story - part 1


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Tom and Henry were two little boys. They were the same age, and they lived in the same town, but Henry lived on the other side of town. From the first day they met in kindergarten they have been the best of friends. Their parents became friends shortly after, when they realized that there was a bond between these two boys that could not be broken. 

On weekends the two boys were inseparable, and they were either at Tom's house or at Henry's house. They went to school together and they protected each other like brothers. They were still in primary school when they got the pet names of Shoelace and Button. Tom's shoelaces were never tied properly but that didn't seem to bother him, and Henry somehow always missed a button on his shirts. 

One weekend, the people next door to Tom's house moved out. They put up a for sale sign, and both Henry and Tom wondered who was going to move in next door. Both of them hoped that it would be a good family with kids their own age, but they could only hope. 

One day a few weeks later, the for sale sign was removed and Tom told Henry that someone had bought the house. Both Button and Shoelace were equally excited. They just hoped that they liked the new kids, and that they could all become friends. They soon forgot about it, and went on with their normal lives. 

The following week, Henry came to school in a total state. His dad had told them the previous night that they were moving and he was horrified at the idea of moving away from Tom. His dad told him that there was nothing that could be done, and that he could make new friends. He didn't even listen any further when his dad tried to explain. He did not want to move away, or make new friends. He begged his parents to let him stay with Tom, but they wouldn't hear of it.

Both Tom and Henry tried to be as grown-up as possible about the situation. Tom told Henry that they would still have holidays to see each other and if it was not too far, they would still see each other on weekends. Needless so say they were both very depressed and sad about the whole ordeal.  

Tom and Henry sat in his room while they watched all the boxes being carried out of his room. They had so much fun here in this exact room, and they knew that they would never get that back. Tom said his goodbye's and he walked home, feeling depressed and lonely. He would never have such a good friend again, and he couldn't bear the thought of it. 

When Tom got home he fell on his bed and he cried. His mom brought him a cupcake with a smile on her face, and told him that he would soon feel better. He stayed in his room the whole afternoon, and sat staring out the window, missing Henry. 

Late afternoon, he hear a truck coming down the road. He walked to the window and saw a truck pull into the yard next door. He saw a car pull in, and even though he was curious, he did not even bother to go downstairs. 

Ten minutes later, he heard the doorbell, and a minute later there was a knock on his door. Great was his surprise when he opened the door and Henry was standing there right in front of him. They hugged each other and Tom's mom said, come Tom, meet Henry, your next door neighbor. 

Both Henry and Tom couldn't believe their luck. They were as happy as can be. What seemed to be the worst day ever, turned out to be the best day they could ever imagine. 

- To be continued -



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Tom and Henry Both looks good together

It is a beautiful story where the strong bond of friendship and solidarity is evident: great moral values!

A good way to learn through experiences, feelings of sadness and joy ... Although it seemed a bit cruel that the father let him suffer more than a day. The bonds of friendship at that age are very strong and can significantly affect them.
Pleasant first part of the story.

I love the nicknames Shoelaces and Button! Very appropriate! I can see them now...tow-headed boys wearing stipped cotton shirts loosely tucked into baggy shorts, socks slouched over dusty high top runners, laughing while they run down the street at top speed...

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