Dark plan to reduce the population in the world - PART V (Hunger in the world)

We live in a world in which we could live without problems more than 100 billion people. We have been led to believe that the overpopulation of the countries of the South is the cause of the millions of annual deaths due to hunger, when the reality is that they are caused by the world government in the shade.

The objective is to reduce the world population and control the countries. The control of countries is achieved through debt. Through the loans of the World Bank to finance wars and other projects, an unpayable debt is obtained that forces the countries to sell the land and natural resources, to modify the protectionist laws.

In this way, the taxes levied on products imported from the North are eliminated, thereby entering into competition with local products, causing the ruin of the farmers. "Humanitarian aid" also lowers food prices, so local farmers can not sell their crops, and end up losing their land. Intensive agriculture based on the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and transgenic causes the ruin of farmers and the loss of their land.

Other times they are told that everything they sow will be bought. Farmers get into debt by buying land to plant more, and when they stop buying all the food because there is an excess, they can not pay their loans and end up losing their land. The entrance of supermarkets in the countries of the South that mostly import food, also cause the ruin of local farmers who have nowhere to sell their products.

In the end the control of the lands remains in the hands of a few people. The land ends up being dedicated to the export of agricultural products (tobacco, soy, coffee, tea, sugar, cocoa, drugs, cotton.) For the countries of the North, while the population of the countries of the South can not grow their own food and they end up being enslaved. In addition, most of the land is left uncultivated, as in Chad, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Mali.

If you missed the first two parts, here I'll leave the links:

PART I: https://steemit.com/conspiracy/@ggeraldooso/dark-plan-to-reduce-the-population-in-the-world-or-part-i-introduction

PART II: https://steemit.com/investing/@ggeraldooso/dark-plan-to-reduce-the-population-in-the-world-or-part-ii-the-killer-myth-of-vaccines

PART III: https://steemit.com/amazing/@ggeraldooso/dark-plan-to-reduce-the-population-in-the-world-part-iii-electromagnetic-radiation

PART IV: https://steemit.com/amazing/@ggeraldooso/dark-plan-to-reduce-the-population-in-the-world-part-iv-danger-of-the-soy

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