in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

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As a non-native English speaker, I need to read a lot in order to expand my vocabularies. I am not like those individuals who were born gifted with a high intelligence quotient. Up to this date, I admit that I’m still finding it hard to express myself in foreign language specially in terms of proper grammar usage. These are the reasons why I am grateful that there are books, magazines, newspaper and other educational tools that we can read. Although everything seems like one click away, we must remember that most of the greatest people in the history were certified bookworms.

Reading is hard when you don’t have the passion for doing it. It is necessary that we are exposing our children at the earliest age as possible. It doesn’t mean that you will give them tons of encyclopedias and force them to memorize the whole dictionary to make them grow. The eager interest to read can be developed by stepping one at a time and the long-term result will always be for the best. It is not only for the purpose of being wise in academics, it is also a healthy habit.

What are the benefits of reading in child’s development?

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It will increase the concentration and discipline.

Every child is usually playful and loves to move from one place to another. Try to give him books with colorful pictures, it will teach him to sit for some minutes and pay attention to it. Don’t belittle the power of storybooks because these are easiest and simplest way to make the child realized that reading is a fun thing to do.

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It will enhance the creativity and imagination.

When we are doing movie marathons, we are just literally watching because the scenes are already made in front of us. Unlike if we are reading, we are creating our own movies. A child’s mind is still raw and fresh so it must be trained to unleash the sleeping ideas on their heads. Famous inventors start from just imagining the impossible.

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It will lessen the stress and make him feel better.

Most of us often think that a child has no problems to worry at all. We tend to forget that they are more fragile and sensitive. Reading will make them travel in another dimension that can give them excitement and peace of mind. It is also an inexpensive getaway to sometimes escape from reality in order to recharge his drained energy.

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It will improve the memory skills and capabilities.

Aside from obtaining knowledge and learning new things, it will also maintain his mental stability. The probability that he will get hired is more likely to happen because employers are looking for someone with a sharp memory. It can also reduce the chances that the child will suffer from Alzheimer's disease when he gets older.

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It will widen the knowledge and understandings.

It makes the child smarter not only inside the school premises but also in making decisions in life. It can save him from doing reckless things because he will be guided about the awaiting consequences if he chooses a certain kind of path. He will also learn to practice humane characteristics by showing empathy towards those who are in need.

Reading is the twin sister of learning; you can’t expect yourself to learn new horizons if you are not reading anything. It will stimulate the brain activities that can contribute to the desired cognitive development. There are two kinds of children when reading, the first one are those who read through their eyes and the other one are those who read through their lips. If your child belongs to the second category, don’t get irritated. Let him read it with a loud voice and don’t see it as a noise. If you heard wrong pronunciations, correct him in a nice way. Be a proud parent because your kid is trying to build up his confidence in speaking.

We should remember that there’s a difference between teaching him how to read and teaching him how to absorb what does he read. It can be a child’s asset if he knows how to filter the pieces of information that he gets and it’s our responsibility to supervise him. They must have a strong foundation while they are growing up. Life is a battle and we want to prepare them to have the strength in facing the daily struggles. Reading with comprehension will not guarantee a perfect life, but it can give them a better future.


Every time I enjoy an article that deals with reading, I think it would be different if my parents had encouraged me to read good books. I'm lazy for that!

I'm also experiencing that - the laziness feeling hehe
Reading will make our memory sharp even if we get older. :)

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diligent learning skill will surely we can. success always make you my friend

I also hope the best for you my dear!

Vote (y), good article

Thanks very much.
God bless you!

Reading is the total change to a fascinating world, what would we be without reading?

When you start to read, to learn, to recognize, to parafraciar, you give way to recognize what is important. This is the step to the discovery of knowledge.

I love everything that you've said!
Reading is indeed necessary to survive.

I find this very helpful .lovely 😁😀

Thank you very much for giving your time. :)

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