About our most valuable possession.

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Which one of our possessions could be the most important one in your opinion?


What would it be that you can really use it as you want, and be sure to own?

What would it be that is not deceitful like money, is not immovable as the past and is real unlike the uncertain future? The answer is simple and as all that is incredibly simple, once seen up close, it is extremely complex.

I'm talking about that piece of time that arrives and as soon as it does, it leaves, that elusive moment that is given to us at every second and which we call PRESENT, perhaps precisely because it is a gift that is given to us constantly, and since we always receive more and more of it, we might tend to underestimate it’s true value.

Do not let your fast paced life take away the satisfaction of appreciating the beauty that is available every day

The present is completely moldable, the past is completely immovable. The present is one hundred percent real, the future is completely uncertain and often idealized by us.

The present is that small space in which we can allow ourselves to live, breathe, but above all, change and build the future we want to inhabit tomorrow.

The present, the today, the here and now, is that space in which your goals will be realized and is the only one that is completely under your control.

Your goals may be very promising in the future, your past may be proof of your worth, but the present is the only timeframe in which you truly live, it is the only thing you can actually control and do with it whatever you want.

Unfortunately, we cannot stop time as of yet (well, it can be slowed down but this is another subject...) , so why do you waste it doing things you do not like?

Nothing that has happened before can be changed, nobody until today, has managed to live in the future, however there is a moment that you can completely possess, a space that you can turn into yours at every moment, it is the present. Will you make use of it? Or would you let it keep slipping away through your fingers?

Because this is what happens with a lot of people, they don’t take advantage of their present and can lose hours, days, weeks even years without taking control of their life and turning it in the direction their want.

When working on improving your life it is important that you do not waste your time being sorry for the bad experiences you have had in the past, nor you should invest it being scared about a future that has not yet been presented, the best is to focus on this moment and what can you do today to generate that change you are looking for in your life.

What can you do today for a better tomorrow?

We should simply focus on the next step on our path to success, it is true that we need to have a clear goal so we never forget about where do we want to go, but if our only focus is on the long-term goal, we run the risk of getting frustrated for not reaching it in a short time.

Learn to enjoy the moment, to fully live this beautiful trip we call life and allow your day to pass in a more relaxed way, because with a properly balanced life our goal will always be present in our path. Sooner or later, we will arrive at it.

What can I do today to achieve a better tomorrow?

Take a moment, breathe deeply and at least for an instant appreciate your surroundings and embrace the peace of your home, keep breathing and think about the question I have previously shared.

Living in the past is like driving your car watching only in the rearview mirror, living thinking about the future is living in a dream or a nightmare (Both are unreal). So the best way is to find a personal balance in which we:

  • Don’t forget about the past, because it’s full of lessons and experiences. But never allow it to consume your thoughts.

  • Don’t get obsessed about the future, because otherwise we will never achieve anything in the present.

  • Embrace the present and try to enjoy it. Make the best out of it.


Time flies so fast, especially when we are older and have a lot of responsibilities. Look at the calendar right now, February is just around the corner already!!

We tend to be excited when thinking about a new gadget, a new trip, a new job. And all of these things are certainly nice and deserving of our appreciation. But we might forget to value our time in order to get those things, in which case we will eventually have a life full of achievements and good results, but with no time to really enjoy them.

We all know the stereotype about the workaholic person, with incredible professional success, but little life success (at least in my opinion). Would it not be preferable to enjoy life a little bit more, enjoying our time a little bit more, and have a little less professional achievements? I think life needs to be balanced and if we are totally consumed by one aspect of it, that might not be the best way the live.

What do you think about this subject? Have you ever let your professional life consume you? Do you see your time as the most valuable resource you have?

Image Sources
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Fantastic. I've always loved the idea of doing the "next right thing" and moving forward by being present. You get at that here when you talk about achieving goals. This is motivational and inspiring. Thank you.

I am glad you like it @shawnamawna !!

great post bro ;)


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