A Father and A Fisherman

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

This story was written to help teach others about the importance of keeping the oceans clean and safe from pollution. Human's throw their waste into the ocean and destroy sea creatures and their habitats, and destroy important ecosystems that help the world maintain balance. By sharing this story with others like young children, you can help teach them an important lesson on how to care for our world in more positive ways.

A Father and A Fisherman

Papa was a fisherman and sailed out on the ocean everyday to catch fish to support his family. He was currently concerned about the oceans where he fished. Fish were becoming scarce. Papa noticed garbage floating out at sea. As he saw trash floating in piles on top of the ocean he realized the dangers of human's polluting his beautiful ocean.

After seeing all the garbage and its destruction, Papa realized how wrong people were to dump trash in the ocean. He promised himself that he would work to protect the sea from disobedient people who destroyed the ocean.

Papa went home and talked with his son Thomas. He began to teach his son about the oceans and the importance of taking care of the sea. Papa began to tell Thomas advice:

He told Thomas, "If you look at the oceans, they become more and more damaged. Over time people choose to no longer care . The ocean is crucial, like eggs to the survival of a bird species. Many sailors navigating the oceans do not have good ethics concerning littering. Both the elites and fishermen are the same when they decide to close their eyes and choose to throw garbage out at sea."

Papa continued, "The increasingly narrow seas have trash floating along and it disrupts the balance of the world. My son, a true fighter for balance will choose the holy path, and will fight with his entire heart and body, to stand up for the Earth in favor of the honor of the sea."

"You know, Thomas, our biggest marine problem is law enforcement. It's as simple as that. If the law was truly enforced then many problems can be solved including protecting nature from floating trash."

After his speech to Thomas, Papa recited a poem to his son discussing protecting the sea from pollution and destruction.

Papa's Poem: Never Stop Caring, Never Stop Doing Good

The word of a papa, it is important to the whole family
Never stop caring
Though tired, keep a raucous voice voice to ban the littering of the sea
Until it hurts the heart,
Never stop doing good

My children,
Be those who stand dashing in front,
Defend truth and justice.
Be a mighty person,
Helping weakened people.
Or if not, stand behind those who do,
Support those who voice the ban on throwing garbage into the sea as hard as you can

Then, all sadness will be lifted from the heart,
Your entire load will feel light.
Because the time will come when the best people come,
Shoulder to shoulder to help in goodness.
There will come a time of honorable people present,
Who chose the holy path full of glory.

Believe me,
And do not ever stop believing,
Though there's no one in front, behind, your right-handed leftists.


Garbage is the throwing of object not used anymore away to be discarded by humans.

"Throw garbage in its place." Surely words like this are often spoke or heard. These words should motivate us to avoid throwing garbage away carelessly. The reality is that in our environment, a lot of garbage is scattered everywhere. Far too often, natural disasters, such as floods, are caused by garbage disposal in ditches, in rivers, in lakes, and even in the sea despite the fact debris is scattered in larger bodies of water. People may not think of these problems as being a result of littering!!! Surely if people learn wrongful garbage disposal can cause damage to nature, they will not throw garbage carelessly. We human beings should be more respectful for the environment, should care about the environment, and should not destroy it through careless garbage disposal.

Sea water is a component that interacts with land environments. Waste discharges from the land and will empty into the sea. Seawater is a place where pollutants collect that come from humans. Waste-containing pollutants enter into coastal and marine ecosystems. Some are soluble in water, some are submerged to the bottom, some are concentrated into sediment, and some enter into the body tissues of marine organisms (including phytoplankton, fish, shrimp, squid, shellfish, seaweed and others).

The sea is not a dumpster. People must realize that the sea is a buffer and provides balance to our lives. Garbage can disrupt the life of marine ecosystems. When marine ecosystems are disrupted, it is certain to disrupt the life cycle of all organisms on Earth which will have negative impacts on human life.

Negative cultural practices that damage the environment, especially the sea, must be stopped. The condition of nature today is not good with humans harming it from the air, sea, and land. The world is cursed due to the actions of humans who are destructive without wanting to preserve.

Photo credit: Pixabay

This post has been edited and checked for plagiarism by a member of the @blue-pencil team! Please visit this link to learn more about @blue-pencil.


Thank you for letting a member of the @blue-pencil team help you with your post!

wow Very interesting Really beautiful work, ThankS you for sharing

yes. this is a very interesting article.
thank you for sharing

I live on the coast in Belize. I can't begin to tell you how much trash washes up on the beach here. Lots of sandals and plastic bottles mostly. The cruise ships are the worst. Have you seen images of the plastic sea? I think it should shown in every school in the world, along with images of turtles having plastic pulled from their stomachs. People need to be aware of the consequences.

well I really agree with your opinion, we must cooperate with institutions that care about this issue. to make it easier to educational room.

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