The Fixation of Nitrogen in the Soil by means of the Farming of the Bean / Phaseolus vulgaris.

A cordial greeting to the whole community of steemit, especially to the communities of #geopolis and @steemstem; the following post, I want to share it, as one of my project of urban orchard in house, since it is the farming of the Bean, his importance in the diet of the population Venezolana and Latin America owes to itself for his high place content of protein, also this farming, grace for his aptitude to fix the atmospheric nitrogen, as mejorador of the fertility of the soils and green credit, farmings help to ostros for his development with the contribution of the nitrogen and part of potassium, for the development and growths of other farmings, a good there are vegetables, fruits, this way to use it like, strategy of organic fertilizer, for to avoid the use of agrochemical.

It is necessary to take in account the following thing, the covered needs of water, the nitrogen is the most important politically active factor, for the development of the plants, which need it to form proteins, acids nucleicos. The interesting thing, the fact is that it is possible to incorporate of the ambience or of the biotransformation, of the organic molecules, of such a way the contribution of the proper microorganisms, which inhabit it as a finished ecosystem.

The Fixation at molecular level
N2 + 16ATP + 8e- + 8H+ = 2NH3 + 8H2 + 16ADP + 16Pi

The Fixation, dividing where, the source of energy, they are the compounds carbonados, given directly by the plant derivatives of the photosynthesis, whereas the fixers, you free they have to take them of the soil where they do not exist in the necessary quantity and form. of being used, as a strategy of becoming independent from his application as fertilizer. Generally in this case in the root of this farming, Here the bacterium fixes nitrogen at the expense of the radical exudado who is useful very well on having colonized the intercellular spaces, is fulfilled across an active process and another debit, which the bacterium recognizes and leads her to synthesizing.

These factors of bacterial captalización, which are known also by his composition as lipoquitooligosacáridos (LCOs).

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Author of the image @chetoblackmetal.

Rhizobium Radiobacter
ActivityBacterium that takes part in the processes of fixation Rhizobium Radiobacter, of the family of the species Rhizobium Leguminosarum, possesses, a plásmido that codifies information, which is vital for the infection and the nodulación of the plant hospedadora, in the majority of the case, is in the roots of the leguminous ones, they segregate organic materials that stimulate the growth microbial in the rizosfera.
Catalystwithout the absence of the oxygen this farming and the bacterium cannot do this process, thank you the process of the photosynthesis and the activity bacterianalogran join this process. The bacteria desnitrificadoras are bacteria autótrofas aerobic or heterótrofas that can transform to have an anaerobic growth when there is used the nitrate as acceptor of electrons

Table prepared for @chetoblackmetal

On my case experiment with the following thing; in my urban orchard applying, a biological system with the use of farming of basil resided as a stimulant of pollination, which you attract to the bees, bumblebees, cigarrones, and other incest that there pollinate the plants, the farming of the beans, like fixer of nitrogen and potassium of mineral form, as nutrientes to enrich the soil, the farming of scallion, to control the plagues, cocktail with berenga, tomatoes and pepper as farming of vegetables and fruits, of form of a biological, organic and healthy ecosystem.

Author of the image @chetoblackmetal.

Author of the image @chetoblackmetal.
For this case we have the farming of basil, bean and pimienton.

Author of the image @chetoblackmetal.

Scope as project.
By means of this publication of an educational and informative way, it is a question of stimulating the importance and of adapting the implementation of orchard urban in our hearths and small units of production.

To announce the importance of the farming of the bean, like fixer of nitrogen to nourish the soil, new paragraph his contribution of his grains with his high place contained of protein, very good for our food diet.

To avoid the biochemist's use, that alter the composition greet them of the vegetables and fruits, the ecological impact in the soil and environment.

Thanks to the observation and the use of methods of urban orchards, manage to study and to know the important of use of farmings, with other farmings, to form a biological ecosystem of a natural way, decide the use of the application of the farming of the bean for the fixation of nitrogen, as a type of fertilizer of natural origin and contribution of minerals to the soil, separate also his contribution of his grains with a contained bacterial high place of protein, and the microorganisms that I intervened in the process of fixation, thanks to it it serves as educational papers, for to stimulate piece of news skill of cultivating in a healthy, free way of agrochemical, it is only in the culture, that implement us to cultivate and to work the ground.

I hope that it should be of his taste, again greetings to all @chetoblackmetal.

Source for this post:


WE ARE OF BEAN A history on the culture of farming and consumption of leguminous in Venezuela of the Publishing house Estrella Roja.

The farming of the bean for Francisco José Acevedo S.

Chemical and nutritional composition of varieties phaseolus vulgaris cultivated in Venezuela

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