in #steemiteducation6 years ago

I cannot think how the parents of these Thai children must have felt for the 9 days they were waiting to find out if they are alive.

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Any parent will be so scared and worried. These children went on a trip into caves that they know well after a soccer practice. This must have been a treat for the boys, as they enjoy their soccer and the coach went with them so that they can explore a little. 

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What happened was nobody’s fault as the monsoon rains are very bad and fast. I personally think they would not have made it, if it was not for a wonderful coach. 

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I think he is a hero as he kept these children alive for all that time. Can you imagine how difficult it was for him to keep them motivated and how sorry he felt for them as he is there to look after them? 

It is a coach and a teacher job to keep children happy this must have been one of the most difficult things this coach has ever done but he did succeed. 

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It seems as there is some talk of him getting into trouble for taking the boys in there, but I am sure if he knew that the monsoon was going to come down he would not have done it. 

He was under the most stress there because he had to think of ways to keep the children calm and as comfortable as possible. 

It could not have been easy at all and I think he would have been so happy when they found them.  

I think he deserves a medal for what he did, as nobody could have thought they would find them alive. 

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The rescuers are also hero’s as they never gave up and worked very hard to try and save these children. 

So personally I think they are all heroes, and that there should only be thankfulness for all the coach as well as all the people who worked so hard to try and get these children home alive. 

courtesy of you tube

If you watch this video you will see when they found them and then the man who teaches rescuing talks how wonderful this coach must have tried to keep them going. 

I cannot imagine that anyone will not think that this coach is the best man that could have been there with them. 

If it was my children I think I will be so thankful to him that my child was alive. 

He must have had a very difficult time as we all know that children who are bored and scared cannot be easy to keep calm, so what a wonderful man he must be.

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I would like to know what you think if you feel like replying on my post I will really appreciate it very much. 

May you all have a wonderful thankful day as we are all safe and do not have to worry about our children.      


The experience for the children and their trainer will be something that they will not forget in their life, they will be for a long time counting the lived episode.
The parents there is no doubt, that they must have been in a nightmare, that lasted the days they were there in that cave.
The eternal thanks, for the coach who managed to maintain the sanity and serenity, with the conviction that they would be found.

That is exactly how I felt about this thank you so much for replying on my post.

Children are everything for mother and father. They sometimes have some problems if they are scared.

Nice post! You are right! The coach is very experienced and wise! He used to be ordained as a monk and had spent some time doing meditation in caves while being a monk. So his spiritual side is highly developed and he is used to spending time in dark caves before! These children were in very good hand indeed!


Thank you so much for telling me this as I did not know, but I have been feeling so sorry for him as he must have been very stressed and good to the children.

Yes! He is blaming himself and he could hardly face any camera. He couldn’t eat and he’s deeply upset! One of the divers died during the journey out of the cave. He had been scuba diving for too many hours. He was supposed to be on his annual leave. But he decided to turn up for work! Now, all the parents and relatives feel very sad and bad!!

I just hope the best possible solution will be found shortly. Please pray for their safety.

o my, I can't imagine how worried the coach was in keeping the children safe. No doubt he is a hero!

I so agree with you thank you for reading my post and replying.

I so agree with
You thank you for reading my
Post and replying.

                 - bigbear

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Yap right... They got the success due to their patience... Thanks for sharing this story...

Today they have rescued four boys. It takes eleven hours to go into the cave where the boys are trapped and out again - 4000 meters!

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