Father and child - activities for two

Father and child - activities for two

If father and child do something for two, that's something special. Mostly excursions and activities take place either with the whole family or just with Mama. This may feel strange to both. The time is great for two, because it creates space for the father-child bond.

If mothers are not there, they can not help either father or child. The two have to adjust to each other and get along, resolve conflicts and solve problems - for example, change the diapers - for the otherwise mamma is responsible. That welds together and strengthens bond, love and sense of responsibility.


Why father-child bonding is so important

Children need mother and father alike. Trust and a reliable bond give a child security and help him to understand the worlds of thoughts and feelings of both sexes. This in turn ensures a social and empathic approach to others. But you can only understand the one you know. Since in most families the fathers are still the main earners, many children "often" know their fathers primarily as evening or weekend fathers, as the one who brings the money home, takes care of the house and car and takes the ranting, if you have done something with which the mom can not cope. Fortunately, more and more fathers want to be everyday fathers and get to know their children better. It works best without Mama, because women like to get involved, especially when it comes to social interactions. That is why it is so important that father and child practice and care for one another - without the "supervision" of the partner and mother.

Sometimes mothers are upset

Women usually take their maternal tasks very seriously - sometimes too seriously. They have a strong protective instinct born of the desire to achieve the best for the child and to make life as easy and enjoyable as possible. Unfortunately, that also often includes the father-child relationship. If a mother constantly intervenes, when the father and child are in communication and perhaps in confrontation, it disturbs a development. It deprives you and your child - without any malicious intent - the opportunity to get to know each other better and to find their own form of social contact. If you do something with your child alone, the mother will be left out. You and your child can quietly join a team and try out the best way to get along with each other.

Things to do together - It does not always have to be special

If you want to do something with your child, it does not always have to be an exciting trip or a great event. Shopping together, father-child cooking, or a game afternoon for two while mom visits a friend are equally valuable. Because what matters is not what you do, but how you spend your time together: together, with respect and respect for your child and a sincere desire to understand and be together. This is quality time, which is valuable for your child, but also for yourself and the common bond. Of course you can do something really great together: a visit to the zoo or in the swimming pool, a walk to the cinema or a trip to the karting track or to the airfield.


The core of these joint ventures is to show your child that his needs are important to you and that you are interested in his thoughts and feelings. You can achieve this by giving your child the lead. This does not mean that it can take everything out, but that it can decide, or in any case, decide what to do together and how it happens.

Suggestions for activities of father and child

When father and child do something together, it's mostly about action. We do something together and have fun together. When action is in, you may soon be able to schedule one of the following activities with your child:

Gathering the garden together, mowing the lawn, digging, raking the leaves - all this can be done by older children together with daddy.
Off to sports - If you are interested in the same sport and it fits, why not? Swimming, playing football, tennis or cycling can do the best for both father and child in a team.
If you prefer to watch as yourself, then maybe both of you might be thrilled with a visit to the football stadium.

A good opportunity to regularly spend quality time with the child are common hobbies. Maybe your child enjoys the hobby they've been passionate about for years anyway? Get it involved and show him quite casually that you can learn something from dad.


Did I forget something? Can you think of any more points?
I´m looking forward to your experiences and additions.



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