Correction and defense


Pretty funny how we try to build a wall of defence around our wrongs instead of trying to accepting corrections and make ammends after we have been corrected. People build walls around themselves for so many reasons. Either they do not want to fall victim of people's words as they have been in the past or they are just a coward. It is important to note that wall of defence in this context are actions, words or reaction that we do or say to prove that we are right and NEVER accept wrong.
A wall of defence might mean trying to find an excuse for the mistake we made, trying to justify our action when we are clearly wrong or putting up a ‘bold face' so we seem unapproachable.
Bold face

All of this are only to prove that we truly are a coward. Worst of all when we are corrected by the younger generations. I am a teacher, i deal so well with children so i know that children can correct you, but the way you take the correction is very important. You can sound defensive or you can just be simply humble. You should also understand that, depending on the age of the corrector, they may correct you in a way that seem inappropiate to you. After the correction is given, the ball is then in your court to do as you please:
Ok let me tell you about what happened on sunday right inside the church. I had taken some pictures of the pastor's wife (as her request) and recorded a video of how she led songs of praise so the congregation can appreciate God. I left my sit and sat beside her, so i can show her the works i did. Right there i heard the most unbelievable and unimaginable thing i could ever expect to hear, it was the voice of a young girl who came beside me and said a little loudly:

Your ear is dirty

I was wowed and i quickly defensively replied her:

It is good

It was until this time that i noticed how foolish i had been to defend myself instead of simply thanking her for pointing my attention. I knew at first before my reply i had quickly guage the cirmstances surrounding the correction i.e. HOW MANY PEOPLE HEARD WHAT SHE SAID,.... Which was the reason i gave the reply. Someone older could have corrected me in a better way but what would i do since its coming from a child.
This is the case with many adults today. You must be humble enough to accept corrections from people below you - that is true wisdom.
Sometimes we really need to think about it, ‘is defence the way when you are obviously wrong?'. I believe we can do better. As a teacher, for sure situations like this will occur often and often as you will make mistakes in writing or saying somethings and the only people around to correct you are your pupils or students. Stop being defensive, when you are corrected and you are clearly wrong. A simple ‘thank you' will solve the matter wisely.


The pupil i told you about yesterday in my post is still taking his exams and i have been marking his scripts, in my own opinion (though he hasn't completed all exams) he is going to top the class. Just to tell you that the unforseen might be a blessing in disguise.

Thanks so much for your patience.


Those who know how to think need no teachers.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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