
Oh me too! Little boys don't need to dress like Justin Beiber and little girls don't need manicures and tight clothes. Childhood is so short and parents need to enjoy the innocence.

Sometimes I wonder if one of the issues is that parents don't want to have to behave in a reserved manner to avoid destroying their childrens' innocence. So they don't hide it from them, and destroy childhood. And/or some just think that the kids are kids and don't understand so it doesn't matter. (The ones that don't understand I feel are made extremely vulnerable by this behavior.)

But who cares as long as the parents don't have to abstain from adult behavior, right?

I think in ways you are right. I also think parents today are lazy and like to park their kids in front of the TV, youtube, etc. and let the media do the parenting while actual parents go off and do other things. Kids have access to so much on youtube alone that they pick up on adult themes without parents knowing it. Kids are glued to their tablets, phones, etc. and the media to me is teaching them more than adults.

If I ever have a kid in the future, I can tell you that I definitely wouldn't let them go unchecked on the internet and with their devices.

Their devices would be very limited. And I know the shit kids do to get around that kinda stuff.

The funny thing is, when I was a young teen and finally had internet, I was the one that didn't fall for any of that crap. Yeah, I spoke with strangers, mostly much older than me, but there was only ever one that I gave any real information on myself, and that's because he took on a big brother role with me and went out of his way to chase away anyone that he knew was bad news when talking to young teens.

Fifteen years later, we still talk occasionally. He never tried anything with me. And he even asked to speak with my parents to ask permission to send me a present. I had been getting into anime a lot and he sent me some VCDs of some good animes to watch, along with a bunch of Japanese candy and snacks.

My birthgiver, on the otherhand, fell for many scams, including a 419 scammer she "was in love with" and all sorts of other things.

My Gran didn't know much about the internet (still doesn't) but even she could see Birthgiver was being a fucking idiot and I was the one being smart and mature.

Despite the fact that my experience online was very different from what you typically hear, and I was smart enough to avoid trouble, I wouldn't leave my own kid to dive through the interwebs the way I did when I was a young teenager.

I was raised by the television, and as a young teen, I went out into the internet and was raised by the internet and television.

I was alright from that. But I'm not naive and wouldn't expect the same results if I had a child of my own.

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