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RE: The Art of Critical Thinking part 1

Holding both views in your mind in terms of current likelihood at the same time - I was just talking about this with my youngest son.

He is at the point in adolescence where he believes only one view is right. And, strangely enough, its always his view that is the correct one at the time ;)

I have been implementing various critical thinking techniques all his life, so I realize it is just that particularly difficult stage of teenagerdom that's talking, but I still gotta be Mama and have been trying to figure out a way to get him to be openminded and stop being black and white.

A week ago today he was arguing something for the sake of arguing. I said, "it is a sign you are taking steps toward adulthood when you can look at something from another perspective and realize there is more than one truth."

He grew silent, stared at me with his jaw down, flipped 180 degrees and proceeded to march right up to his room.

He has been thinking more carefully before arguing (sometimes) since then ;)

I have another story of how a certain little refugee changed a number of our lives, by just being himself :)


I'm so happy moms like you exist out there, makes me proud to be a human being.
I tend not to see that way of raising kids so much unfortunately - except in my hippie vacations at the dancefloor where parents are like you have just described here.

When I'm out, here, I am often confronted with moms treating their kids like little idiots at the supermarket or train station, yelling at them, forbidding things, shushing them with no good reason - and the kid will revert back to his smartphone instead. Gruesome and sad.

You can already tell that kid is somewhat numb by years of this, and has himself become a little nuisance because he had been treated as such for years.

High Five for open an minded raising of the next generation! You remind me of the way my mom raised me.

He has become a nuisance because he is hungry for attention. And at this point any attention is good attention.

My approach to kids is I am entrusted with raising someone's husband someday. Someone's father. Someone's brother in law... Plus, hell, I have to live with this creature for a few years ;) Might as well enjoy these people :)

Great motivational reframe for one's own sanity when he is twisting the dog's tail again for the 38th time this week!

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