STEEMIT CULINARY CHALLENGE - Issues With Prize Money - Please Read

I'm aware there have been a few issues recently with winners waiting a long time for their prize moneys, and some of you are still waiting from last week and the week before that.  Apparently this has been the subject of some discussion amongst participants, and according to one participant some of you are now questioning the integrity of the challenge.    

Please accept my sincere apologies for this, as if it were up to me you would receive your prizes instantly.  But unfortunately it's not up to me.  The prizes are kindly paid by our sponsors and I have absolutely no control... It's not like there's a big SCC pot of petty cash I can whip money from.  I understand you all put in time and effort to present wonderful recipes, and upon winning of course everyone wants their prizes.  This is not in debate... winners have always received their prizes, and you always will as long as the challenge continues.  In the history of the SCC not one person has won and not received their money.  

It's just that sometimes there can a delay, for a week or for several weeks.  I know this seems like a really long time to wait, and then you might start thinking we've forgotten about you.  But this is not the case.  When the guest judge chooses the winners, I immediately send a message to @smooth and @sirwinchester to notify them of who the winners are.  As soon as @smooth and @sirwinchester get their messages, they pay the winners and they send me a message back to confirm payments have been made.  So if I don't hear from them, I know they haven't yet checked their messages.  Perhaps they are really busy at work.  Perhaps they're enjoying a holiday with their families.   Perhaps they are dealing with some personal issues.  I have no idea!  I've never met them, we're not friends, and it's not like I can ring them up and demand money!

Please remember not everyone's life revolves around Steemit, or even the internet, or even technology.  Just because the sponsors haven't paid yet doesn't mean they've left you in the lurch... nor does it mean I'm hosting some kind of scam challenge.  I'm an ordinary person just trying my best to keep the challenge interesting, enjoyable and beneficial for the wider Steemit community, but I am just one person... sitting here in my bed after a long day, with former intention of relaxing and yet now feeling really under pressure to pay up... or what?  Deal with a boycott?  I've assured each of you who have queried payments that you'll get your prizes, and explained all I can do is notify the sponsors of winners, and yet every couple of days now I'm getting messages with the same questions.  It's quite upsetting, as it begins to feel a little unfriendly and what am I expected to do?  I'd gladly resolve this in a heartbeat if I could.

So here is my resolve: if by the weekend I still have not heard back from the sponsors then I will personally pay as many of the IOUs as I can from the 85 SBD in my wallet.  The challenge will continue as normal but including a disclaimer... that if the sponsors go AWOL then winners should be prepared to wait indefinitely.  Prizes will be received, I have no doubt about that, as BOTH sponsors have always been true to their commitment, regardless of how long it's taken them.  I understand some of you feel that I, as host of the challenge, have some responsibility regarding payments.  And while that is correct to a certain extent, I can only do so much and do rely on the sponsors.  If it wasn't for them I couldn't run the challenge.

Again, I'm truly sorry that there are any issues at all, but I just ask you please continue to be patient... and continue participating in the challenge too!  After all, the idea behind the SCC was creativity and fun, and it'd be great if the emphasis could return to that rather than disgruntled feelings about delayed payments.  I do understand, but please also be understanding about this, and me.




I've been wondering what was wrong too but it said to allow the sponsors time so I figured the prizes will find me at some point. Perhaps it's one reason there haven't been many entries lately, who knows?
@woman-onthe-wing I'll message you in a bit on chat!

I haven't entered a challenge, but I have been enjoying them and the winners' entries. You are doing a great job @woman-on-the-wing!

Thank you for your kind words @gardenlady. They cheer me!

winners have always received their prizes, and you always will as long as the challenge continues. In the history of the SCC not one person has won and not received their money.

word on this
you are right they must be doing something important or something that really needs attention
same old same old huh ..
stay strong Joana you're doing a great job!

You're always so supportive and encouraging... thank you Ivy! I appreciate your friendship :-)

you know am just a chat away, I'm not here all the time but as long as I can find time to post I'd be here. My chat messages are sent to me via email so I would not miss your messages

Thank you :-)

The prizes have always been paid as you say, if there is a delay that doesn't mean there is a scam at all. You are doing fantastic work. Keep it up and don't let any perceived unfriendliness get to you!

Thanks for the reassurance @meesterboom... your support means a great deal! :-)

A pleasure :0)

Thank you for what you are doing. And if I participate in the battle, it's not for the sake of reward or victory, but simply for the sake of pleasure. Plus, a nice bonus is the fee for the post. And it's all nice. Just spend time in the Steemit community.

:-) I agree wholeheartedly @lil4a, thank you for saying that. Before I took over hosting I really enjoyed participating myself and it was for love of cooking and community rather than reward. Like you say, reward is bonus. Thank you :-)

This is a great challenge and is something that really adds to Steemit. It would be a shame to have it tangled in controversy. I'd be happy to step in and distribute some rewards on a loan basis until the reward money can be allotted. Maybe other users would be willing to do the same.

Recipients could just reimburse me and other "temporary sponsors" when they receive their real prize money.

If that sounds reasonable, let me know who to send how much to.

@boxcarblue you cheer me just because you're so bloomin' nice!!! What a kind and generous offer, thank you :-) I will have a chat with the sponsors when they get in touch and see what they think about a solution. I'm not sure if other contests face similar issues, it would be interesting to know. I will let you know if this is a do-able idea, thank you very much :-)

It might get confusing if other people step in, but as long as everyone stays trustworthy, I don't see any problems with it. Having some co-sponsors, etc. would probably be very helpful and keep things happening in a timely fashion. Just let me know.

Many thanks @boxcarblue, I will send you a message when I've heard from the sponsors. I think some way of keeping things running smoothly would be good so I'll see what they think :-)

@ woman-onthe-wing, I know this is a hard work, I understand you..So don't have pressure..whatever happens, always support SCC and you.. I think every participant see what you said and dosen't mind..

Thanks for understanding @helene, I appreciate your support :-)

First of all i would like to thank you @woman-onthe-wing for the SCC ! Doing a great job organizing this challenge and make it happen !

Now about the delays on the prizes , its not such a big deal waiting little longer to receive it , since sponsors & organizer are legit reputable persons among steemit community !

So my conclusion is no reason for apologies , just a clarification about the delays, and from the other hand i bet people taking part on this challenge is doing it for fun & because we like to cook, i don't believe is someone taking part on this to make his living right ? plus you enjoying your beautyfull creation!

P.S. i wish the reason for the delays to be a family vacations ! and not something bad !

Steem ON !
Love you all :)

I really appreciate the lovely things you say and your support. I only want people to have fun and enjoy the little community here, and not allow issues with money to bring unpleasantness to the challenge. Perhaps I take it to heart too much. Thanks so much @rouketas!

I feel so sad @woman-onthe-wing hearing all this. This challenge should be a fun and friendly thing for all, especially for you @woman-onthe-wing who puts so much effort and love in organizing the challenge. Since I won a few prices I can attest that you will always get the money. The sponsors are valuable and trustworthy steemit people. So please people chill out, and give @woman-onthe-wing some peace! There is only so much one person can do! I have no reason to doubt or question the integrity of the challenge... we are all busy people and sometimes things just do not turn out the way we want.... breathe... relax.. chill out! @woman-onthe-wing you have my full support... big hug and I hope this doesn't discourage you from keep doing what you do! xxx

Aw thank you so much @amy-goodrich for being so lovely and understanding! I was feeling quite deflated last night but feeling better today after hearing lots of nice supportive words from people. That's why I love Steemit and our little SCC community within... there's a lotta love :-) Thank you again ;-)

I'm happy to hear that you feel better today! There sure is a lot of love in our little foodie community! Don't let negative people steal your happiness. They are not worth it ;-)

I think you shud not worry about so much , we all undarstand is not up to you :)
You do a great job !

Thank you @mynameismariq, I really appreciate that :-)

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