The Steemit Crypto Challenge #1

in #steemitcryptochallenge8 years ago (edited)

Prepare - Uncover - Outwit - Find - WIN!

So you think you're good with riddles? Are you a master of Crypto-puzzles?

Find the answer... the correct solution... there are hints everywhere, sometimes in plain sight

Can you follow your intuition? The first to reveal a hint will win a  prize. The first to attain understanding with the right answer will  receive their just rewards... a bigger prize.

Here is the first hint for you:

Rules, Terms, and Conditions

You will need to employ all of your skills to solve this  crypto-puzzle. This isn't for the weak-hearted.

You will need to employ all of your skills to solve this crypto-puzzle.
Don't limit your creativity, sky is the limit!

Take advantage of:

  • Image (and reverse) searches
  • Wikis or Encyclopedias
  • Filesharing Sites
  • Sound, video, and image recording manipulation

Don't be limited to the list above, get creative! 

Think you got in the bag? How hard could it be? Surely, your Code  Solvers and Image Manipulation Translators are up to date, piece of  cake! 

All submissions are due by Monday August, 22 @ 6pm (UTC -4) 

The First Prize reward is 100 Steem (Which will be rolled over if no one is able to solve crypto-puzzles).
Additional Prize: 10SBD per new hint uncovered. 

(This challenge is not impossible, but you'll feel like it is) 

P.s.:  Teamwork is what Steemit is all about, don't be afraid to work together and SPLIT the rewards, or donate them 


Guys, I guess I solved it!

"Throw all your trust of paper/fiat-money into the trash-can and go Crypto!" :D

This comment is priceless lol

You're welcome. Just tell me there was a secret jackpot within the secret riddle for exactly that answer... :D :D

Unfortunately no. But I really hope your comment gets some love as a jackpot

Damn it! I felt SO close! ;)

Alright I am writing this to give a full list of the progress thus far,
1 All leads inside the trashbin have been dead ends except that one of the links was a pastebin
2 the first clue was discovered burried in the banner img it was a title text here:
3 the text inside that pastebin:
well done cryptofriend.

you came one step closer


4 Since youtube encodes with the correct number of characters that leads to here:

5 This is as far as I know as far as anyone has gotten.

The creator of the video (is it timsaid himself?) just commented on the video saying:
"The Russian say Nh5LTQ2x"
This is probably the next hint.

Good spot man, however this vid was not posted by timsaid and as such neither was the hint, but it may be a lead nonetheless

You are on the right way. Confirming

and that leads to did you see that already ? anyone worked on it already ?

I solved it...posted another comment....

You got it man keep it going dig into it.

First i will eat something :D

UPDATE: I see some great comments. Some serious skills here. I wanted to give you another hint.

Concentrate on the cover picture.
Let's go

Well I found Hint!

After changing the exposure



Oh s too late((

I found the next clue the pastebin addy from the last clue gives this message well done cryptofriend.

you came one step closer


It's really fascinating to see that @gonzo suggested pastebin but in a different linking. Well done my crypto friend. You found the code and how to use it. But what's next?

Google searching with the image, provided the keywords mesh bin. And, @timsaid has already given a second hint that we should concentrate on the cover photo. And to me, it seems like the striked-through sky has something to do with the cover photo. The post says sky is the limit. May be, it means Don't look at the sky, the next hint is limited to parts other than sky of the photo that should link with the mesh bin photo. Does the words mesh bin ring any bell for anyone out here?

Prepare - Uncover - Outwit - Find - WIN!

This line looks like it's pointing towards the cover photo too.

Edit : The dish antennae in the cover photo, the mesh, could there be something about the mesh patterns covering the dish and the mesh bin?

Hint #2 (100 votes):
"Talk to me"

I've been talking to you for a while now, it hasn't helped ;)

Do you give new hint when there will be 150 ?

I doubt we see 150, but yes I will

I decoded the thing from pastebin with a caesar decoder...
This is the result:

Awesome RZnag the answer is History, I have messaged Timsaid

There is one single part missing!

i'm sure we still need do decrypt the email address: ²×žš+\¯*m¡ÈZ–W§æ­‚Š •éšŠWhµÊ&
it's the last part of the last pastebin. I tried every single decryption algorithm I could think of and I messed with all encodings that are supplied with microsoft word (which means a lot...) I wish this would be just as easy as the rot-2 encryption from the first part of the pastebin. :D what do you guys think?

I think that unless there's "another" place where the encryption is stated, testing all the possibilities is a gigantic task.

Because of the keywords "Russian" and "history", I'm all the time thinking of Russian encryption methods that were used in the past. My Google searches always lead me back to GOST. But that requires me to use a key and I think GOST doesn't even work with the full unicode charset.

Also the second set of cypher double decripts to Genius without education is like silver in the mine. - Benjamin Franklin

shit i was too late :D

Shift to the right 24 letters

It's history

Whete you found another pastebin?
This has been removed, write a link please

I think I have the next clue the name of one of the layers digging through the hex of the banner is : B6Pm52ts I dont know what this leads to but the reason I think it is is because the previous text was " Crypto ChallEnge"

Bingo! This is right! This is the first correct hint

awesome idea. im useless at this stuff but good luck to everyone else

Everybody is useful. I am sure you have skills that other don't have. Together, United, you can do it

Very cool. Working on something similar if you want to check my blog

Feel free to contact me if you want to be part of the second challenge. I am looking for someone to join as a member for the next challenges :) We could create a great challenge

I also have a few ideas I will be glad to join

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