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RE: Steemit Comment Connection Contest: 100 Steem in Prizes! #steemitconnection CHANGE

in #steemitconnection4 years ago (edited)

I translate your post:

I agree with your position @theatrorve sometimes I have a hard time catching up.
In steemit there are people of all ages. I am surprised to see the post of older people, the truth is that they are more active than one, perhaps precisely because they have more time.
The reality is that in steemit I got an option to earn something ...
There are certain groups in which one feels more comfortable ... people who are similar to you ... who share your tastes and your values. It is the reality we can be tolerant but we are like that we like to be around people similar to one or with the same tastes and values ​​as one ...
I have a job as a strange thing, it does not reach me for my expenses, so I look for all the ways to do extra work to cover those expenses and emergencies ... the internet often does not help me. Lately it has been an odyssey to upload a simple 1 mb photo ...... ¬¬. Personally, I think that steemit should have a separate section to show the chats of frequently asked questions, since sometimes the rules of the contests are few and due to lack of time and the limited resource, a simple post sometimes becomes problematic. And well there should be more flexibility with the subject of the time of the contests. Many times I see a contest and it is already overdue
I would like that every time I upload a post I can upload two or three images to make a better example of what I say but my internet speed only allows me to upload one image at a time ..... ¬¬

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us.
Gracias por compartir tus pensamientos y sentimientos con nosotras.


I understand people’s reluctance to comment, and now realize that for some people, it’s not technologically easy to reply. I learned new perspective today.


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