Secret-25 Steem/month curation

in #steemitcentral6 years ago

Hi Steemians!!

Yesterday I promised to write blogs on dApps built on Steem blockchain and here I am.
Have you ever felt that you want to curate some very good bloggers whom you follow and love all their blogs but not able to curate them in time??

Don't worry Steemvoter is here. Steemvoter was created by @upheaver,the head of the BuildTeam. This is kind of a bot. You can set rules to your custom bot and the bot curates people you want to vote as soon as they release a post. You can even target their comments and resteems. Exciting??
There are two ways you can use steemvoter:

  1. Guilds
    Guilds are a powerful new way to curate content on Steem. They allow you to filter out and promote content originating only from selected authors and having specific category criteria.

As a Guild owner, you can designate any number of Steem accounts which will serve as voting signals to your Guild followers and to precisely filter the content you want to promote or ignore.

Similar to Streams, when someone follows your Guild, they will specify the voting power and delay at which they will vote for your Guild's curated content. Guild owners can set specific minimum and maximum following requirements (VESTS/SP, delay, power per vote).

If you are familiar with the optional Steemvoter Guild that you can contribute votes to in the original Steemvoter, then you can think of the new Guilds as a generalization of that concept. There will be many Guilds and anyone can start one to build their own Steem curation community!

  1. Streams:
    Streams are automation rules that allow you to automatically upvote an author whenever they post, comment or re-steem content on the Steem blockchain.

When setting up a new Stream, you can specify which of your accounts you want to vote with, the power of your vote, and how much time you would like to wait before upvoting.

Tutorial: Stream
Click on the link:

Step 1:Register to steemvoter like any other dApp. You will get an email. Verify it. Login.
It will look something like this 👇

Step 2:Tap the button in the upper right corner and choose stream.
You will get something like this 👇

Step 3:You need to click "create stream"
And enter your steemit username and your target author username. Choose the steem power with which you want to vote and also choose vote delayed to zero or 5 mins and click "create stream". Sit back relax and curate your favourite authors automatically!!

Tutorial: Guild
Step 1:Scroll down your dashboard and you get to see some guilds. Believe it or not. These guilds are amazing. You have click on the guild name. Something like this will appear on your screen. 👇

Step 2:click on follow.
Choose the voting power and delayed time.
Enjoy your curation rewards!!!
The only difference between guilds and streams are guilds contain a group and by following it. You curate every person in that guild whenever he or writes a post.

Step 3:Dont follow all guilds!!!
Choose to curate guilds which have the more good bloggers.

Tips:Do not keep the voting percentage too high as this can leach your steempower and also destroy your RC such that you can't write blogs anymore and also keep vote delayed less than 10 mins. I prefer 0-5mins. I also recommend vote power to be 5-10% only!!
Then don't blame steemvoter for leach of RC.

I wish the info given above is used by minnows for their faster development.
I have also tried steemvoter and it is working beautifully. I had RC issues in the starting but today I bought some Steem power for myself to get out of this RC's vicious cycle.

All the best to all the minnows.
Don't forget to Upvote, Comment and Resteem. If you appreciate my work, you can donate me @n1hal. Please do show your support by following and commenting on this post. Thank you!!!

For more info:


H @n1hal

Thank you for sharing this link with me dear friend. I've never heard about Steemvoter and my first impression was: OMG, their logo is hillarious :)

Personally Im trying not to use auto-voting bots for one simple reason: if I'm actually online and I want to curate some posts and drop a comment then Im already assuming that those upvoted have been "read" by me.

Partly because Im always giving little upvote to every post I read. Not only to show my support but also as a way of martking this post as "read and engaged already".

ps. Ingore cheetah. You will not see anyone replying to you. It's just a bot.


In fact crypto.piotr you can help people more using steemvoter by creating guild's. All the guild followers will automatically be upvoting the person you upvote therefore giving more support to the person you vote. Try it out if you want and let me know how it was.

You are right and so kind as well!!
I will get another dApp which can help you in curation soon. In the way you want. I posted this only to help budding accounts to curate. So that they get an early boost. I actually want this to be used only by minnows(even I am one). Thanks for stopping by @crypto.piotr

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