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RE: DMania-The decentralized Instagram

in #steemitcentral6 years ago

You get a really good catch over DMania. It is true that DApps are slower compared to centralized apps like instagram but they are slowly improving with every new update and picking up pace. I am an Instagram user myself but after using DMania I did not feel too much difference in speed. I accept it that it is a little slow but hey they are picking up pace. And people will migrate on gaining knowledge over it as privacy and data stealing is becoming a very huge issue with Instagram and Facebook. DApps don't draw data and mainly rewards fun with money!!!! So I think DMania will have a spicy future. These are only my opinions.
Thanks @crypto.piotr for dropping by.


I forgot to thank you for your comment @n1hal

I am an Instagram user myself but after using DMania I did not feel too much difference in speed

Oh that's very interesting. Surely speed difference between Youtube and Dtube are insane.

These are only my opinions.

Of course. And I value them a lot. Seriously.

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Have a great Xmas :)

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