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RE: STEEMIT Weekend Camp Fire Series! Weekend 18! We are Steemit Family. Come Visit Around the Fire with your Family Every Weekend!

I have had a good week. I renewed my gym membership and have been to the gym twice this week. Not eating meat makes me feel more full of energy and positive. But I do miss red wine! Oh, how I miss it!..

Yesterday was my first anniversary at my current job. It was kind of symbolic that I stayed in the office after work and helped six of my co-workers (including my boss) to get set with crypto. I helped them register and verify themselves on Coinbase, download JAXX wallet on their smartphones, buy their first Bitcoin and Ether, etc. One has even gone as far as to buy some BLX on ICONOMI!!! I was amazed at her progress. A few people sold parts of their stocks holdings in order to invest more into crypto. I am happy!! :))


Good job on hitting the gym. It’s the one thing I have not done but I got a few things here at the house that I am more than happy with using.

I hope they make lots of money off getting into crypto and get to thank you when they retire early/buy some dream items they wanted for a lifetime.

Thank you, @enjar! Some of my colleagues who go into crypto a few months ago have already tripled or quadrupled their initial investment. And a few are doing even better than that. I’m doing with an aim to help people liberate themselves from the current financial and monetary system – which tries to make slaves out of free people. The crypto hold a promise of exactly the opposite: liberation and empowerment. And we all get rich along the way – hey, it’s a welcome bonus! ;)

We are back on my page for this week's #SteemitCampfire Oleg.

Hope you are good, catch you there if you are around.

I am doing well, thank you for checking, Barry! How are you yourself, how was your week?

Yep, I woke up this morning and, believe it or not, visiting your #SteemitCampfire was the first thing I did: even before I got coffee or even got out of bed, haha! :D

I am just struggling thru my rehab as best I can on my own, it takes a lot out of me every day but I am doing my best.

You are a good Steemian man!!!!

What is the time difference btw you and me here anyways?

If you get this reply or remember sometime when we chat -- fire up what time it is there so I can get a grasp on it without having to research it LOL.

I bet you are a few hours ahead of me.

It’s 7 pm as I’m typing this.

Stay strong, Barry, and stay focused on your goal of becoming a healthier, stronger, better and happier version of yourself! You can do it, I’m cheering for you!!

Thanks man, so you are about 6 hrs ahead of me.

I know you care about me man, I can feel it.

And I am thankful.

Yes that's one of my plans to get fit. I have a pilates class in mind when the girls are back at school.

I wonder how close you live to some of my UK relatives there -- you guys could get a support group for moms going and help each other I have mentioned a couple times to them LOL

Holy cow!

That is a great week but from what I know about you, not surprising, you know??

I have really enjoyed seeing your community support and spirit man, honestly Oleg.

Thanks for commenting today!!!

Thank you for hosting this amazing weekly community event, Barry! I am genuinely enjoying checking in every week with a short summary of my week’s main events. And I enjoy reading other fellow Steemians’ stories even more.

Thank you for your encouragement, Barry! #BroHug :D

It is #BroHug day every day!

We can be in touch with our feelingz!!!!!!!

You are gem buddy.

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