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RE: STEEMIT Weekend Camp Fire Series! Weekend 18! We are Steemit Family. Come Visit Around the Fire with your Family Every Weekend!

in #steemitcampfire7 years ago

Nice you got a fire going. Day I had a camera it was raining so you just get to see my view of the firepit lol.


I’m hoping for a somewhat nice weekend so far it looks like another hot one. Think I need do some picking of seeds and get them sold. People been already sneaking onto our land and trying steal them. I don’t get the nerve of people they only like 80 cents a pound. Not worth jail or a bullet to the head.

I’ve gotten an itch as of late wanting to know more about growing microgreens. Might spend part of the weekend researching into that. I’ve missed having some kind of garden for so long now and I’ve never grown microgreens either.


Do that up, I sense a LONG SOLID STEEMIT SERIES coming!

Content galore!


lol Enjar: "From Poor to a Billionaire." Today, I'd like to teach you to how to make your billions growing microgreens in your own backyard. I will be covering tips on selling at your local farmers market.

Step 1. Send me 99.99 STEEM
Step 2. Wait for Dtube link ;p
Step 3. Realize you just been duped -- so sorry about that.


Plus the Dtube buffering is sooooooooo slooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww

  • slower than the intellectual and moral fibre of the mayor of my town.

If you go missing we will know. Barrydutton 2018 -- Mayor With Moral Fiber 99%

We've had it out a few times, I have been interviewed on TV about him, he is a douche and he reads my social media.

I wrote him and the lazy/paid off/ awful media an open letter challenging him to debate me in open council chambers, taped, open mic, with cameras and live stream running but as usual, the gutless turd said no.

How are the lazy ones always make it into power. It’s just mind boggling.

I’ll just never understand the main steam media and their corrupted love with money and control over the narrative. It’s like they wish death upon those who are free thinkers.

Lame Stream Media, should be reading my BTC update just posted, the $5k mark buddy, we are on the cusp tonite of $5k BTC.

Take that lazy gubment, we don't need your fake fiat money!!

What seeds are they?? And good luck with your research into microgreens! I hope you’ll post your findings on Steem! :)

I believe they are called palmetto, they grow naturally in the area. Used for cancer and some kind of research.

Thanks -- I was going to ask the same actually!!

I was going to ask the same Oleg.

Had a great weekend. Have a great week everyone!

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