
It’s going well. I went to Uppsala (a capital of the neighbouring county) on Saturday to meet-up with a friend from Stockholm. In the evening I went to a book launch party – a book is going to the stores next week and the writer invited a bunch of people to celebrate it with her. There was good music, drinks and lots of people I had known from before, mostly teachers, artists and writers.

On Sunday I’ve been very tired, so, aside from biking to supermarket to do my weekend grocery shopping, I spent the rest of the day at home: resting, watching movies, and buying some more crypto (according to my plan from before). Now I have spent the entire crypto investment budget for the month, having bought at the dip and having brought the amount of my Dash to the nice round 10. :)))

You are becoming one of my favourite people on here dude!!!!!!


You are tired from being awesome all the time LOL

Haha, thank you, Barry!

If I get tired of being awesome, I’ll let you know. I’ll settle for being great then. ;)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 57326.97
ETH 2428.61
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.32