Zeke's Sweet Hops!


My blog, like my life is never without beer. That being said, it has been 17 days since my last Sweet Hops post and I have heard the call of my thirsty followed and will heed it.

A little background for the new folks to visit my blog, I come from a long line of beer enjoyers and have recently become enthralled in the hoppy IPAs even though I don't have a beard, scarf or man-bun.

Let's go with a wedding theme here, Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Meh


Something Old


Sawdust City - Lone Pine IPA: https://www.sawdustcitybrewing.com/our-beer/lone-pine-west-coast-ipa/ This one has been featured in my blog before because it is a solid old favourite. It is supposed to be a West Coast IPA probably because of the combination of summit, simcoe, columbus, and chinook hops along with the California Ale yeast. It doesn't taste any more California than a few of my other old favourites and, branding aside, it is a full, strong, sweet and complex brew. I generally get this when I need a little change from Nickel Brook Headstock IPA, or am not in the mood to give ones I have had a second chance.


Something New


Orange Snail Brewers - Iron Pig Pale Ale: http://orangesnailbrewers.ca/#beer I had never seen or heard of this one before, nor could recall tasting a beer brewed in Milton (suburb of Toronto.) At first glance, the branding leaves something to be desired as the brewery name seems like an unfunny inside joke, and I would hesitate to wrap my lips around an Iron pig on the best of days. For a self-professed Session Ale, it did have a good amount of taste. Earthy biscuit is a strange way to describe a beer taste but it was a little heavy on the vanilla-like farmhouse saison flavour. If I had have stopped at the first couple tastes, I would probably have discounted that to a failed experiment and not bought it again. By the time I got to the end of it, it didn't taste like another but I was okay with it. I would probably give it a go again in the summer to see if it suits my pallet in Session Ale Season.


Something Borrowed


Great Lakes Brewery - Grimace's Tears Strawberry Milkshake IPA: https://untappd.com/b/great-lakes-brewery-grimace-s-tears-strawberry-milkshake-ipa/2810718 I am not one for fruity beers really and am generally hit and miss on Milkshake anything because they use Lactose sugar to be different. This one is not distractingly strawberry and is legitimately thick and tasty. It is a limited run which never lasts long for the clamoring hipsters so I borrowed a few from my brother who has the staff discount and was willing to part with it. I would rather load up on Lake Effect, Thrust or another one of their IPAs but am glad to have some in the fridge for a change.


Something Meh


Side Launch Brewing Company - Session Seven: https://www.sidelaunchbrewing.com/beer/ I couldn't think of anything blue and am not going anywhere near a Labbatt's product so this one is the substitute. I have never been too thrilled by anything Side Launch. Their sour isn't near sour enough, their other beers are a bit derivative, and they don't even have an IPA. I have a soft spot for them because they originated with another Toronto-based brewery which was one of the first micro-brews I had ever been to probably back in the 90s. Session Seven seemed a par for the course for them in my mind meaning, I don't hate this. I might put this in my fridge if people were coming over, weren't bit on my mouthful-of-pinecones IPAs, and wanted to branch out from boring old beer without diving in with both feet. Better than running out of beer and having to consider choking down an OV http://www.lcbo.com/lcbo/product/old-vienna-lager/460881#.W_4a_ehKhVo that someone left behind.


Thanks for having a couple drinks with me! Please consider following @detlev and entering your beer stories into his weekly beer contest for fun and prizes.......and to bring a little more beer to the blockchain!





This makes me want to have a few IPAs and I don't drink alcohol anymore (medical reasons)! Nice selection and welcome to the @steemitbloggers!

What I am wondering is when they will have decent non-alcoholic IPAs. It would take a nice simple beer with the right selection of hops as that is where the real flavour is.

Thanks so much for the support and the warm welcome!

There aren't many non-alcoholic beers going around either - becks, bud, amstel I think are the only ones I know of but I don't go out much to the pub so there could be more I am not aware of.

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Did you try a beer with basil and rosemary? We met one guy here in Costa Rica who makes a craft beer at home and one with basil was awesome. It's a lager, low alcohol, refreshing perfect for pizzas and pasta :)

That's an interesting concept. I have kind of been a German Purity Law purist but a little natural herbs would be interesting! Once I get my brewing operational again, I may have to try that!

Sitting here reading and getting a little thirsty. Have a couple of Sierra Nevada IPA Hop Hunters left in the frig from a six pack I picked up on Monday. Think I'll have a couple and watch the Saints vs Cowboys.

Yah Sierra Nevada is probably the first IPA I ever had on business trips to the USA. What is awesome is that you find it scattered at bars here on tap. When there is nothing but Crap Light and Shit Ultra, you are so happy to see that tap.

Congratulations @zekepickleman! This post was selected by the @steemitbloggers community as today's Rally Upvote Post :) It will also receive a complimentary upvote from @Appreciator throughout the course of the day!

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our Steemit Bloggers FB Page and Twitter feed.

Haha awesome! Cheers to a fantastic, engaging and entertaining community!

Unfortunately, I don't drink beer but only coffee or tea or hot chocolate. But still, cheers!!!.


No worries. I will drink enough for both of us and join you for the coffee.

When my brewing brother comes to steemit, I will be sending him to chat with you ;) Good luck!

Brewing brother? I am intrigued!

Definitely send a shot across my bow so I don't miss that. I am a self proclaimed beerologist https://steemit.com/beersaturday/@zekepickleman/i-guess-i-am-a-beerologist and would be happy to help, support, or just chat over a beer or 2.

Do you know how many unique various beers have u tried in your life? I bet it must be in hundreds or? :D


It hurts my brain to try and come up with that number. Safe to say, I will die trying to taste them all and probably end up in the thousands!

Hi zeke at the meetup in Rotterdam we had burning the chrismas tree with 10% after 3 the Guys had difficulty pronouncing steemit haha

Hahah! That may be a little rich for my blood. Though I can't promise that, if I was there too, I wouldn't have followed suit and ended up hugging all of the shteemitbogghrerzzzIloveyouguyzzzzz.....

Yep you sound like the @ blockbrothers Guys !

You had me at beer... LOL!

Looks like an interesting assortment, and I'm dying over the name, Grimace's Tears. 😂

Thanks for sharing your beverages, and congrats on the #steemitbloggers rally upvote!

Much appreciated!

Yah If you look through the beers list on their website, they come up with some pretty funny and obscure ones. http://www.greatlakesbeer.com/beers/ You might like Octopus Wants To Fight as well. Great beer and my brother works there so the family discount is awesome!

I don't really like beer and only have ever only had some when I was totally sloshed... at that point anything goes hahaha
But I do have a friend who owns a Beer Bar, called Taps and he travels the world looking for these "exotic" beers.
I wonder if he has any of these beers... including your "meh" one hahaha
Cheers :D

Not likely unless he has been to Canada! Though each region seems to have its own awesome gems and it is just growing. If my wallet REALLY looked like this, I think I could travel the world each beer region at a time and discover them all!


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