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RE: Forgive & Forget: When To Forgive & When To Let Go

Communication is so important! It is key!

I wrote a post about my brother recently that touches on this (not published). In our case we are not in contact and have not seen one another for years. He was much older, experienced things that I didn't ...has a lot to be angry about ...took it out on me. I've forgiven him and even learned to understand why he was the way he was.

The root of all of this pain comes from growing up in a family that sweeps things under the rug and fails to communicate on all things that make them uncomfortable. There is all of this pain, hurt and anger simmering under the surface. My parents are set in their ways and will never change. I'll never get what I am searching for - so I've got to work things out in a different way because I want a good relationship with them.

So glad that you are working together to make your relationship strong.❤


Every day is a new venture with this situation. It's amazing how so many people take for granted a family relationship. We all were in the wrong with handling the original issue and from there it just kaboomed into more.

We can look back now and see how it all went wrong, feelings are still open wounds but we are all working in unison to make it better.

thank you for sharing your situation. It is never easy when family bonds and relationships break down; and the rebuilding is difficult. So much to do, think about and repair.

It can be quite a heavy/stressful thing to carry and I'm so happy that you and your girls are working together to mend - there's a lot of love there!

@walkerland, this is so on point

The root of all of this pain comes from growing up in a family that sweeps things under the rug and fails to communicate on all things that make them uncomfortable.

so many of our elders raised us this way and were raised this way. we have to stop this cycle of sweeping everything under the rug. it doesn't create happiness. as GD said above, sometimes we have to get it out, agree to disagree, and move forward with what we can get along with. thanks for sharing your story <3

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