Well, Well, Well. We Meet Again Batman // Mainan Make-Up

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

Hi There :)

As we were snowed in today, I had fun with my sons using up left over make-up kit for face painting

On Halloween I picked up a kit and used only a little for my costume and since I do not want to just waste it, so face painting withe the boys it was :)

Nothing too difficult, just fun enough for photo shoot to send to our family overseas hehe

And plus, am not good in painting anyways, so yep, only simple face-painting :)

Babe wanted Batman, so here he is :D

Hai Teman!

Karena tadi ga bisa kesekolah, jalanan tertutup salju, mobil pada terjebak, anak-anak dirumahlah bareng mak-nya :)

Agar mereka ga bosen didalam rumah doang, kami tadi main-main dengan melukis wajah.

Pas Halloween tadi kan aku kostumnya sebagai kucing, nah aku hias sedikit wajahku dengan menggunak make-up khusus untuk Halloween. Karena make-upnya cukup besar dan lengkap, sayang euy kalau ga kepakai, ntar kering. Jadinya hari Senin kami ber-tiga cukup penuh ketawa-ketiwi wkwkwk

Anakku yang bungsu bilang dia pingin gambar Batman, laaaah mak-nya ga pintar gambar, bahkan sebenarnya ga suka merias wajah sendiri, jadi seadanya aja deh hasilnya hihihih

He also asked to put on one of his Batman tops, so it was good (enough) even when I could not find the cap.

Here is before and after side by side shots

Dia kebetulan punya beberapa baju yang gambarnya Batman, namun sayang aku ga nemu sayap jubah buat bagian belakang, tapi tetep cocok ah :D

Ini dia foto sebelum dan sesudah dihias :D


And here is the picture-steps when I face-painted him, which I thought to just make a collage instead posting one by one, too many to post, am so lazy :P

Dan ini foto-foto pas aku mulai gambar-gambar diwajahnya. Males ku unggah satu-satu, kebanyakan wkwkw, memakan tempat di blockchain (alasan dot com hahha).

Lucky he is not a fussy boy, so a simple face painting of Batman made him happy. Imagine if he had asked more complicate Batman, for sure I would not be able to do it and our day would have not ended up nicely hahahah

Thanks for looking!

Oke deh segini dulu yak!

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My favorite picture of Batman:


Although this one is a close 2nd:


He is adorable!! And what a wonderful way to spend a snow day!! 🖤

thanks pretty lady :)

Awww, lovely! 😍A very handsome Batman indeed. Kids, they make the littlest things too awesome already... while us adults mostly always find complications in them. 😆

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ikr, we should go back being kids again, life was simple :P

I'm sure he loved it, which is really all that matters at the end of the day, right? :D

he really did! and yes, that is true :)

Lol his too adorbs!!! Looks really chuffed!! I guess he was protector of thr house for the rsst of the day!!!

P.s. I loooovvveee Radiohead as well!!

Posted using Partiko Android

am sooo happy to find someone who love Radiohead as well hahaha

now i want to meet you irl! lol

Very nice, I'm sure he loved it and had lots of fun!

we both did have a lot of fun, terimakasih Rose :)

Hi Batman.. nice to meet you 😘

Posted using Partiko Android

terimakasih om, senang berkenalan dengan om juga

Batmannya imut banget... so cute :)

terimakasih tante <3

He makes a super cute Batman XD

Posted using Partiko Android

he really does, hey

i know am biased, but he really does lol

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