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RE: Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Ginger, Garlic, Red Onion and Butter

One of the necessary things that a good cook needs is to have a passion for cooking. Similar to most things we do in life, if we like what we are doing, we tend to do a better job. With some of the dishes you share with us, it is obvious you enjoy cooking.
I am learning to cook a little, but would rather have meals prepared and just sit down and eat.
This is mostly the case in my home, as my wife loves to cook.
I can tell you one thing though, I do a knock out job with the dishes. I guess that should be the least I could do.


hehehe I am sure you are a fabulous dish washer hehe :P

but give the cooking a go... you may surprise yourself! ;) Most men enjoy it more than women I have discovered ;) #justsaying lol

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