1000 Facts About Steemit That Are Not Discussed Most Oftenly: 998/1000 Steemit As A Bunch Of Professional Pimps

in #steemitbloggers7 years ago (edited)



Hello the #stemian fraternity all over the world. This is your man @stbrians based in Kenya but with his heart in #philippines. This is the third post in a series of posts that are targed at #FactsAboutSteemit

"You are all professional pimps!"

If you expected pimps to shove their wares in the eyes of the would be suitors at twilight, then you are in for a rude shock. Steemit pimps do it in a similar manner but go an extra mile. They may not be nocturnal predators yet they act in a similar manner and style. They always pry the alleys in all wakes of time in their quest and search on prey upon. And do they nail them square!

As pimps dress scantly in order to lure their prey into their nicely woven sticky web and so the stemians dress their posts similary. They strip their posts naked, show much of flesh, just in the name of wooing the would be commentators and upvoters. Won't you show up a naked post if you were promised a handsome reward for the same? Won't you make your post smile sweetly if the smile will be rewarding. Won't you make your post stand at the corner of a dark alley if you were told that a handsome upvoter will passby? I think we always want to shine. We want to be the best. We are all pimps


*Flowery posts with stylish writing and full of enticing words daily flock the steemit blockchain. Stemians compete against each other for finese. They race against each other for expertise and recognition. One adorns his post with rings made of images, gifs and memes. Interestingly, they do all these things in the holy name of wooing for votes and comments. An upvote for an upvote is a common adage here. Showery eye pulling headings are shovelled into the eyes of the stemians who will dare to look. You will be spiritually, emotionally and physically blind not to see. You will be a mute not to read and you will be limbless and mindless not to upvote, comment and resteem. Some people are just mean that they burn their outdated and not fitting attire rather than donate them to the needy. That click, that vote and that comment, may mean life or death to a stemian somewhere.

Give it. Stemians often beg, plead and praise just for that vote. Do you know how many gave up for not being upvoted? Many! We are great pimps. Prostitutes! We are like the great harlot mentioned in the bible book of Revelation.


There is an unsaid fact that stemians vouch for hefty votes. They prostitute and pimp themselves to the highest bidder. Whales and dolphins usually get the best girls in town in relation to posts. They have every minnow rolled on their fingers. They call the shots. I admire all those great whales to frequently enter my lovely bed of posts. Am an unsatiable prostitute. I need warm embraces in the name of comments. My yearning is for all my lovers to give me full pleasure called upvotes. How I long for caresses, hugs and kisses called resteeming! If I am not a pimp, then describe me better. Caution: You are in this too. It takes two to tangle.

Never have prostitutes and pimps settled for one lover. They usually move from the arms of one into another. The more they are, the more secure pimps are. Their hunger and thirst is unquenchable nor satisfied. Pimps in steemit are never satisfied too. They are after many upvotes. They need more chumes. It is kwacha or naira they need. The more the votes is the more the dollars and so the pimping continues. We pimp, catwalk and prostitute all in the name of upvotes.

Bon Voyage

I love it to be a pimp
Never ever will I be limp
I will forever soar and to heights jump
In steemit, the home so pomp
How lovely and wonderful it is to be a pimp

rose-2417334__480 (1).jpg


Do not ever mind this post. Just pimp on your post. It is a fact that steemit was to take this course. Water always flows in a valley.

Images above courtesy pixabay



Be updated with

Part 1


Part 2



very nice topic you have chosen to talk about my friend, I'm glad to be a part of #steemitbloogers

I like the writing very much and I vote.Please do the same

I will friend. Thanks

nice collection of writing good luck

very nice articles good job

Wow! That is a nice compliment

In that case I'm a prostitute ... I'll do anything for money 😉

Ha ha ha! You just pimp your blogs

That's why I use bots 😉

How can I use them too @wolfje

Ok I did a post about it yesterday, which I actually boosted in the postpromoter chat today. Have a look at it, it will give you most of the basics. Let me know in discord if you have any further questions.

Wow, what a way of looking at things. I just noticed how much I have been pimping steemit. I figure the more friends I have on here they will benefit maybe leave a vote on a post a make. So I will keep on pimping.

@mutitum It is a bit crudely put, yet we do pimp. Yeah, let us pimp on

Hello, please follow the rules of the group Steemit for Resteem ↕ and you will be resteemed by the most active members in the group.

You have to resteem someone from the group and pay 0.1 steem or steem dollar to clixmoney and then post in the group and you will be approved, upvoted by clixmoney and active members of the group, and resteemed by other members.

If you pay 0.5 steem or steem dollar you get all of that + my resteem to more than 2700 followers and you don't have to resteem anyone in this case.

I will do that

Hehe i like @wolfje reply. Did you just call us pimps? 😂☺

Yeah @sirkim. I did

I don’t mind, not afraid to admit the attention and affection is quite addictive. If you have a nice following and they give you praise and affection, it does give you a nice feeling! I’m a prostitute and I’m not afraid to admit it! 😜

😂😂 this is a red light zone, full legalized 😂😂

LOL! Well done! Well done! Applauding this well written blog.

We pimp, catwalk and prostitute all in the name of upvotes.

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