The PROOF is in the PUDDING - @SteemitBloggers Community Testimonials - HAVE YOU APPLIED YET??

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago


"They Say"
that the proof is in the pudding...
So before we even get to the community invitation or details,
lets take a look at what some of our members have to say
about us as a community...



I joined Steemit in September 2017, but didn't really start steemin' until December, after bumping into Jaynie in the comment section of some random post. While I don't recall the exact exchange, I do remember she mentioned @steemitbloggers and suggested I check the group out. I said something along the lines of, “Coolness, I'll definitely think about it” (I was ridiculously intimidated by the whole Discord thing at that time – bad gamer, no cookie...LOL!). She responded with something like, “Well, what are you waiting for?” and two seconds (and twenty million questions that she patiently answered) later, I'd found a reason to stay on Steemit. Founder @jaynie, her Rockstar Admin & Advisor @zord189, Appreciater @BlueMist, and the Happy Helpful crew that includes @Raymondspeaks™, @lynncoyle1, and @thekittygirl are always on hand to support & encourage the “Fam Bam” through contests, Steemit information, and networking over many social media platforms. Steemit Bloggers is a wonderful space for people who are intent on bringing excellent, original content to the platform. The members are wicked supportive and have become an awesome cyber family to me. Steemit Bloggers RULE!


I have been with steemitbloggers almost since its conception (which seems like eons ago) and have to say... Supportive fellow members- there is NOTHING quite like it or them. From the upvotes, comments and chatter in the Discord channels. The steemitbloggians are the best! While there are rules- THEY are easy to follow, simple to remember and in the long run help out all the members. I have delegated SP to steemitbloggers because they are a group and community I can stand behind 100% without any doubts. @jaynie - _Oh what to say about her There are not enough positive words to describe her, her dedication and her leadership for the group. I'm sure I could talk, talk, talk about steemitbloggers until I fall asleep tonight and never find one negative word... So I will close with this. @steemitbloggers is definitely a group and community you want to be involved with if you are determined to make steemit a success for yourself as well as are dedicated to paying it forward to others.


I joined SteemitBloggers in October 2017, so I will be celebrating one year with the community next month. Never once have I regretted joining. I have met some fascinating people and been exposed to an incredibly wide-variety of topics in the blogs of the other members. It is wonderful how the community supports each other, not only in our daily posts, but also on those occasions when a member needs special support of one type or other. The rules of engagement are simple, such that anyone can easily comply, and flexibility exists for special circumstances. @jaynie and @zord189 do a great job of keeping things moving forward and the community-at-large provides the cohesiveness necessary to hang together with fun and compassion. SteemitBloggers is awesome!


Being unsure of where to put myself in this platform, not having felt like I had the right 'niche', feeling as though I don't really need one, I felt kind of lost. I got to know great people throughout my journey and through those people I got to notice Steemitbloggers. It grabbed my curiosity and I applied. And what a place it is to be! More doors have been opened for me since. I have met more great people on here and many more that support and help. And not just that, there is understanding and it is a place of being, not just a Discord channel.


I've been a member of Steemitbloggers since December last year. This place gave me the confidence to create my own place and actually get up and do something that I believe in. My own space is actually modeled partly on Steemitbloggers. You won't get a friendlier place than here actually, and as a person that used to create real-world communities for a living these places are the type that people crave and thrive in; not hierarchy driven, forced down with rules, nepotist havens like I've been in before.


@jaynie runs a tight ship. She has forced me to pay attention to detail and place my mind on what I can do for others rather than what I can do for myself. Steemit Bloggers is one of the best, most active communities on Steemit. You couldn't keep better company.


steemitbloggers - what it is? Lets join it,...Ohhh so many Rules! - Leave it. Hmm... lets apply..ohh Jaynie's Rules are hard to survive with big people. lets give it a try....they not gonna bite me anyway: Ohh Wowwww STEEMITBLOGGERS!!!!
This is how my journey started....the place is so amazing with so many like minded lovely people , that you not gonna feel left anyhow. If I ever ask to spend my entire VP, then #steemitbloggers is the place that I love to do that. It is not a waste in anyway! Though Jaynie has stiff rules - it is only for the development and engagement. Each of the members are so super supportive and caring. Glad I made it and loving it! "A Happy Awesome People PALACE"...



As a one week member, I've to admit that this community is simply outstanding. So much positivity spread around, it's great to have been accepted and be part of something unique. It's ohana at his fullest!


I've been a member of the #steemitbloggers community for about 2 weeks. If I was asked what the best thing about being a member is - it's the feedback. As a blogger it's great to get support, encouragement, feedback and know that someone out there is actually reading your posts!


I belong to several different groups on steemit, but there is something extraordinary about the team mentality in this one. And the support and encouragement from @jaynie and @zord189 are second to none; plus, jaynie always has so many different initiative going to boost our members; not only does it help us individually, but it makes us all look outwards towards our fellow steemitbloggers too.


#steemitbloggers opens more doors, gives more possibilities along with the loving support of a community. @jaynie and @zord189 , have done a fantastic job in creating and guiding this ship. Meeting so many cool friends here has been really a great experience. Engagement is important to me and I have never been on a platform that encourages like #steemitbloggers!


Being accepted into #steemitbloggers has provided so many opportunities for me as a relatively new steemian. Prior to acceptance, I felt as though I was spinning my wheels, throwing my content into the vast void and hoping someone would stumble across it. As a member of the #steemitbloggers community, I know my content will be read. Since joining, engagement with my posts has skyrocketed and I now spend a considerable amount of time responding to comments on my posts. As a result of the community being so supportive, people often resteem the works of others leading to even more exposure. In just the few short weeks that I've been a member of this community, I've been able to make connections with quite a few different groups and individuals who facilitate my engagement with the broader steemit community on much deeper level. I've even found a project that needs my particular talents through the #steemitbloggers community. This group is doing wonderful things with limited resources; I can't wait to see all the good that can be done as we grow.


You do great work and keep the place going by keeping us in mind. Because of the contests that I was able to partake in, it gave me something to write and brought out some crazy creativity in me. And when being chosen to be in the limelight, I feel like I am on top of the world. Just to see something that I have written... me... and to be shared with everyone, that is huge! And I think I speak for many when I say that. It shows care and importance. It feels good.
Once more, thank you and Jaynie and the entire family for doing all that you do. Because of you all, I was able to grow more. I mean look..Rep 55. For the longest time I was stuck at 48. You guys are the best! <3 <3


As a new member, I couldn't feel more welcomed to this wonderful group of bloggers. Everyone is so thoughtful and provides much-appreciated feedback to the group's bloggers. #steemitbloggers offers a new side of steemit, one where you are guaranteed to find amazing posts and people


The #steemitbloggers are like minded people commited to producing quality content on just about any subject you can think of. As members we get support, great interaction and positive feedback on our work. Steemit can sometimes be a lonely place to navigate but with the #steemitbloggers, I feel like I'm home.


There is something about belonging that soothes the soul and makes life more enjoyable. When I was invited to #steemitbloggers I was new to steemit and producing daily content with very little feedback or recognition. The steemitbloggers community has given me a place where I belong. I am introduced to so much more quality content and given support to keep me going on the platform. We are growing at steemtbloggers and if you are active on steemit and have a need to belong to a place that feels like family, look no further than steemitbloggers.


When I first joined Steemitbloggers, I was asked to read the guidelines & ensure I understood and am able to commit to its duties & commitment. I was concerned at first if I could do it but after a couple of days, it became part of my daily routine. Being with this community is like having another family that supports me & keeps bringing out the best in me. Definitely a privilege to be part of this family.


I am new to #steemitbloggers but have not found anything else on Steemit to compare with this creative, active and supportive community. Anyone who participates here will benefit and Steemit definitely benefits from this community!


I am a new member but in my short time there, because of the rules I daresay, my post reach has expanded as well as my reading of others posts! I’m loving it as well as the creative weekly contests @jaynie and her team think up!❣️



The @steemitbloggers is a discord community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value to the Steemit platform. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individul growth as well as offering support to those that are new to Steemit and still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - WE SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER!!!...

Speaking of support -

Aside from our exceptional member support
and our array of daily member support initiatives -
we also have an AWESOME collaboration
with @Appreciator (aka @bluemist)
and every single day (Mon - Fri)
two of our members receive a complimentary upvote.

it is an AWESOME platform to meet other bloggers,
chat, learn, engage, share content
and get consistent support,
not only on your posts but for YOU as a blogger!

So, in summary...

;Do you consider yourself a DEDICATED Steemit blogger?

(and with that term, I mean the following...)

• You take blogging seriously •
• You are committed to your growth as a blogger •
• Your content is 100% original (no copy, paste artists please) •
• Your posts have depth and substance •
• You are WILLING to go the EXTRA MILE for your fellow members •


First things first, let's make one thing ABUNDANTELY clear.
We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy
for spammers, scammers, plagiarists and the like.
So to all the "chancers" out there...
don't waste your time reading any further -
because you will not even make it over the threshold.


When I say we are a community of
I mean that in every sense!


The only people who will stand even a remote chance
of walking through our doors, are honest, authentic, original,
enthusiastic and dedicated bloggers,
who are willing to become an ACTIVE and DEDICATED part of our family.

This is however not limited to any specific category,
so whether you are into photography,
creative writing, tech, vlogging, whatever...

If your content is original and is of a good standard,
you will most certainly be considered.

NOT everyone who applies will be accepted,
so no whining please.

Oh, and as mentioned above...
this is a Discord Server Community,
so if you are not willing or able to be active on discord,
then please don't waste your time or ours.


If you would like to submit an application to join our community
then please hop on to the.......


and you will be directed from there...

NB: This is NOT our actual community server... it is an intermittent stop for application processing. Those who are accepted into the community will be contacted directly via DM once their application has been approved.

Looking forward to welcoming you to our AWESOME FAMILY!!!

Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

Steemit logo Jaynielea.png





The @steemitbloggers is a discord community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value to the Steemit platform. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individual growth as well as offering support to those that are new to Steemit and still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - To infinity and beyond...

Interested in joining the Steemit Bloggers Community?



@theluvbug regularly supports the Steemit community with upvotes and resteems of great content which is really adding value to this platform, but in order to grow and be able to offer MORE SUPPORT, @theluvbug needs your help - with upvotes and resteems of the latest curation announcements on that profile.


Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...


Looking for some AWESOME Steemit Blogs to follow?

Check these peeps out...


There are way too many awesome bloggers to mention all at once,
so I will share different people at the foot of different posts.


Wonderful testimonials everyone!! @steemitbloggers is one of the best group on Steemit. I love the people :)

We need to edit my testimonial, as it is now this month that is my one-year anniversary with #steemitbloggers 😆

Happy steemitbloggers-versary @thekittygirl :)

@thekittygirl ................Please help me with the discord link

@anikys3reasure ~ If you click the "BusStop" link in the above post while on a computer /laptop, the Discord app should open in your web browser so you can sign-up and login to the web-app. If you are on a mobile phone, you might need to download the Discord app from your app store first, then the link should open in the app.

@thekittygirl what do we have to do to apply, sharing a blog post?, or asking to join?

It would be awesome if you could share. Thanks

@mic4sythe ~ It has been so long since I joined and the process for joining has changed, so @jaynie would be the best person to answer your question. 🙂

I will reach out to @jaynie and check the discord channel as well, thanks @thekittygirl

resteemed this morning .. ") Love my peeps

I'm so thankful to have found @steemitbloggers, and of course you @jaynie, and I really appreciate all that you do to make it so great. I'm also thankful for your pickiness when it comes to opening the doors here ... it's a lot of work I'm sure, but totally worth it :)

Happy to resteem this one!

Getting a feel of featuring in page3 journals..😉 doubt @steemitbloggers is part of everypost now.

Posted using Partiko Android

Head to the Bus Stop!!!

That sounds intense, but you've listed a bunch of folks here that I respect on the platform. I think I wanna try...

I would appreciate being part of this wonderful community. I create post but get nothing in return. Steemit has not been easy.

Nice one @Jaynie

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 19 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 9 SBD worth and should receive 162 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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