Salt on my lips.

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago


Eyes closed,
focus with intent,
Flesh and soul exposed.
A drug induced fool,
I gave myself away!

Eyes closed,
The wish became desire,
Delusion became reality.
Swallowed it all,
And hoped for more…

Eyes open,
Future exposed,
Truth unfolded,
lost my way,
Salt on my lips.

Eyes open,
Excuse given,
Justification attempted,
I need to walk away,
Salt on my lips.

Eyes open,
Salt on my lips,

salt on my lips,
salt on my lips...

Wipe it off,
and walk on,
salt is good for wounds.


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...


Looking for some AWESOME Steemit Blogs to follow?

Check these peeps out...


There are way too many awesome bloggers to mention all at once,
so I will share different people at the foot of different posts.


Walk? Run! Run like a bat out of hell and don't look back. Life is way to short for salty lips or crying over spilled milk, or, or, ....
Anyways. I liked it, resteemed it even. I remember how much you like people telling you how to live your life but seriously. Wash your face off, put on some bright red lipstick and be happy. Kiss, kiss. Wink.

So VERY true @spozone... so, SO TRUE!!!! Ill do all the rest and give the lipstick a miss :P (never been a lipstick girl lol) ;)

Beautiful and sad poetry @jaynie.

Thanks sweetie. xxxxxx

Soul stirring, fuel for growth...gratitude expands, love is given.
I feel you @jaynie. Namaste.

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