OhSnap! - Where did the weekend go??

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago


... Where did the weekend go?! lol!



I really think that the weekends could do with a few extra days... I mean you only just start enjoying them and poof they are gone! Although, having said that... I always enjoy the smell of possibility at the beginning of a new week! Had a pretty agenda filled week last week, having met up with @claudiaz and her hubbie for lunch on Monday and then had them over again on Thursday night for dinner... which is a post I still need to compile actually haha... have not gotten around to it yet.

I think I have finally decided to succumb to the pressures of a few Steemians... namely @iamjadeline, @happycrazycon and @kaerpediem - to partake in the #dtube Snap shenanigans... so I MAY post that a little later, if I get a chance to... I REAAAALLY hate cameras - so we will just have to see how that pans out... lol

I was reading a post on @stackin's blog a little earlier and although I did not completely vegetate yesterday - I mean I was busy titivating in the garden and in the kitchen, as I do - but I was really inspired by how he uses his time on Sundays to relax productively, by reflecting on the week past and then making plans for the days ahead. So many people suffer from the Sunday Blues and I think this is a fantastic way to beat them - give yourself a healthy dose of motivation. However, seeing as we are already rolling into Monday - I will save that for this Sunday coming :)

I hope you all have a Magical Monday!

Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth. -Bradley Whitford



Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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I stay at home and rest

Sounds like time well spent haha :)

I usually try to get lost in days and just try to do as much as I can, so every day is magical for me


Before I retired, upcoming Mondays did have their moments of anticipated dread. This is where making a living at something you enjoy is so important. This allows you to enjoy each and every day! All to often people are performing duties that bore them to the point that tasks required to complete the days chores can be performed automatically, no personal interaction, no creativity, no need to up one's skills, and no overall satisfaction.
Work of this nature means very little more than a paycheck at the end of the week.
Most people performing this type of labor, are literally stuck in this position due too monetary constraints prevailing over their very being.

Lack of preparation for the ensuing years of making a living is all to often the case for their demise.

During our formative years little thought is placed on the future and life is lived as though this blissful time will go on for ever. Very much like Ground Hog Day with Bill Murry, 1993.


Finding a way to support one's self and family can be daunting, especially if one hasn't prepared for this transition. Once settled into a routine, change is scary and more times than not people will stay put in their present position.

I for one was lucky enough to stumble into a way of making a living that I enjoyed daily.

The way to prevent the dreaded Monday Blues is by preparing for the future while enjoying the lack of responsibilities that come with being young.

Change is not pleasant. It does not cradle you with its comfort. But, having the ability to try something new that may fill the voids created by performing mundane tasks may change your Monday Blues into excited anticipation as the last hours of Sundays tick away.

I could not agree more. Thankfully I no longer fall into the sphere of that Sunday Syndrome and am very blessed to be able to say that. Not that I didn't enjoy the 17 years as a designer and business owner, but the stress levels were enough to make you want to jump off a 10 story building lol - so cannot say I miss that haha!

Hahahaha @jaynie!!! 💖 resteemed your latest DtubeSnap to make sure I don't miss it! Gotta go to bed first because my flu hits me again. You did it my dear :) I'm so proud of your BIG step! 😘

These flowers are beautiful, your Note 9 is definitely enhancing them even more! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Gorgeous capture, as always, @jaynie! And forget the weekend - where did this month go? LOL!

Love the idea of using Sundays to reflect on the weeks past & future. Also, thanks for introducing me to a new word - never heard "titivating" before, and I adore it! 😊

hahaha.... titivating titivating titivating.... ;)

never mind the month... this YEAR has just flown!

When you have teenaged boys you have no time for the Sunday blues... Half the time I'm not even sure what day it is ;)

hahaha Jude is not quite there yet - but I can TOTALLY relate lol

That purple yellow flower look good T.T so stunning. ❤️❤️❤️
I can't believe its november soon hey where'd the year go..??

Thanks sweetie!! And yes, I know!!!! This year truly has flown!

first that's a lovely pic
You are quite the photographer... <3
Now I wait :D

MWAH! Thank you sweetie!!! xoxoxox

I'm retired now but still find Mondays a fresh start

Good morning, @jaynie, and have a wonderful week ahead, friend! :)

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