GRATITUDE is ALL about PERSPECTIVE! - #Ulog entry No. 20

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)

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Don’t you just LOVE waking up with a renewed purpose?!!! I know I doooo!!! Haha – and as mentioned in my post earlier today… I gave myself a good ‘ol fashioned verbal Btch Slapping* last night – and much like most cases, it was WELL overdue and even better received.

Gratitude is ALL about Perspective! - @jaynie

I know what people perceive of me “outwardly”, but this is seldom an accurate gauge of what I am dealing with internally (and so say all of us lol). I seem to have somewhat de-railed in my OWN PERSONAL enthusiasm of late and I needed to get myself into check!

I had a little bit of an internal tantrum and external meltdown and then had the guidance and reassurance of someone who reminded me that I needn’t flake into a thousand pieces of nothingness, because I have seen many a day far harder than yesterday. Hearing this and almost “re-living” my attitude towards the moment actually made me angry because what they said was SO true and I had no REAL reason to lash out at myself (and life in general) the way I was.

Perspective - An amazingly useful life tool really.

When I got into bed last night, I turned the light out with the intention of falling asleep but my mind clearly had other intentions. I started reeling about how my attitude really SUCKS lately (towards myself and my own life anyway). I started to question the “why” and took myself back a little… to a time when I was monumentally unhappy and a LOT less “whole” as an individual than I am right now. I recalled my own words HERE on steemit about how I managed to change things 8 years back with a post I wrote over a year ago about how Gratitude saved my life… and so essentially I thought to myself… ”WTF is your problem now woman!?!”

Right there!!! In that one “demand” of myself, I managed to shift myself out of that dark space.

Like I said… Perspective...

Like a dam wall flooding from the pressure of a crack, having taken just a few moments to place myself back a few years, I regained my perspective and gave myself a good few proverbial SLAPS through the face for even forgetting the road travelled in the first place!

Needless to say, I woke up feeling a LOT better this morning! Haha ;) Amazing what a little internal pep talk can do! Lol!

And what a WONDERFUL way to kick off a new week! I had no Monday blues, no lethargy or desire to simply shove my head under the pillow in the middle of the day and pray that the world would just fade away… no, I felt GOOD! And feeling good, felt REALLY GOOD!

I was swarmed with SO many creative ideas last night after having this little mental breakthrough – and as much as they are all whirling around in my head, I did not get much time to focus on them because the day ran away with me in terms of the mundane… but it is something I am excited for tomorrow – and the wonderful thing is, I am STILL feeling happy!!! Long may it last!!!

Aside from my general impatience to get to the things that I have whirling around in my head, it was a GOOD day!!!

I went to go watch Jude’s usual Monday Soccer match and they WON!!!! Which was awesome, because they have not had much of a winning streak so far this term and listening to the disheartened little man in the car every Monday afternoon was even making me feel despondent!!


I knew EXACTLY what I was going to cook for dinner tonight, because as per my Gratitude Train Post earlier…. I had some homegrown spinach on steroids compliments of @fionasfavourites garden… so I thought some chicken schnitzel accompanied by some creamed spinach and roast veg was a fantabulous idea!!!!!

Just LOOK at this stuff man!!!



Oh, and as I write this now, we have already eaten… and yes! It was SUPERB!!!!
Thank you again @fionasfavourites!!!

I was also a little “busy” with Jude and random crap earlier, so could not return the AWESOMEEEEEEE “virtual cheers” I was given by @rwedegis and @traciyork last night at their VERY STEEMIAN DINNER and was going to jump on board tomorrow…. But I have some time now… so CHEERS you beautiful people!!! I love you all SO much!!!!


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Steemit Bloggers

Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...


@jaynie, through your persistence, dedication and most of all love, you've created this wonderful community of friends! We're here for you!

It's a little too early for wine here, but we're starting to get a cool cascade going! Hahaha!


hahahaha CHEERS @rwedegis!!!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!


Good one! Hahaha! xoxoxoxo!

we all got there sometimes, so dont be too hard on yourself! however it is great that we understand that perspective is the key, and once we shift that the inspiration flows freely again! Have a wonderfully inspirational week!

love you!!!! I do! I love ALL of you SO much!!! You are my sanity!!! xxxx

@jaynie glad Monday scorer is won by Jude he will be a good player if you keep motivating him like that. We all love you and your fantastic photography. Thanks for great memories once again.

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And thank you too for your lovely comment :)

You are most welcome. Just keep written great blogs like that I really enjoy to read them.

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I will do my best :)

Thanks appreciate that.

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Don’t feel too bad. I’m in a total rut currently. I can’t seem to get anything right as of late and everything is pretty much suffering from it. Total funk. I know I’ll break out eventually but this one seems a bit different for me. Was going to write about it the other night but just got too down in the dumps and wallowed a bit in my own self pity. I keep saying to myself “tomorrow will be better”...problem is I don’t believe it as I say it.

Hi @blewitt, its your thought patterns that keep you stuck where you are. Start off by becoming aware of what you are thinking, and take note. You will most likely find that you are mulling the same thoughts over and over, be they from past experiences or concerns for the future. This is the pattern you need to break because those thoughts that you keep thinking are creating your reality and if keep doing the same thing over and over you keep getting more of what you already have. So start off by living in "this very moment" and look around you and be thankful for everything you have right now. Do this exercise often every day when your thoughts start to wonder to places you dont want them to go, because what happened in the past cant be changed, and the future is created by you and your thoughts. So live in the present moment, be grateful often and you will see that future that starts to unfold in front of you looks a lot brighter.

The power of intention. Brilliant advice @claudiaz and 110% correct! Once you develop a habit of this, it absolutely DOES change your life and even when you falter you are able to re-group and re-steer yourself a lot easier.

Absolutely. Great advice and I hope to be able to really work on “myself” soon. Just putting out a few fires that need to be extinguished first.

Great outlook to have and such simple advice...yet most of us cannot make it happen. You are correct though. It’s just been a trying few months and I’m not getting great sleep. Not feeling well overall and there are plenty of stressful situations that have reared their ugly head recently. But yes, I need to find a better balance of being thankful for what good is in my life. I’m usually not too bad at this. I think overall I’m a pretty happy person. Just lately it’s been hard to juggle all the issues and im letting it consume me. I have to get on a different path...

correct, choose the path of least resistance, happiness and joy........

Thank you for the positive outlook and perspective. Sometimes it's nice just clearing the air and venting for a moment...

yes I agree and its always a good idea that when you feel that you are starting to slip, talk about it and the positive people around you will not feel sorry for you (and make it worse) they in fact remind of that which you already knew anyway and get you straight back on the right path. Have a great day!

Thanks Claudia! Appreciate the kind words and optimism. It’s needed sometimes!!!

I know exactly what you are saying @blewitt. And it can be VERY challenging to climb out of that hole sometimes, but I can also testify to what @claudiaz has said. It may not come naturally in the beginning, but if you persist with it long enough - it absolutely WILL!

Oh absolutely. We all have dark times or periods. Climbing out of them is a major part of growing and evolving. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. Just need to focus on a few things. The clouds will disperse and the sun will shine again. 😉

A good victory in the matches always revives the soul a little

Brilliant words @merryslamb!!!

We need to love ourselves first before we can love others. Sometimes we end updating all of ourselves but never leaving some of our own.

I learnt that a long time ago

That is so very true!!!! Thanks for the insight @ireenchew :)

Gonna say it again, You are an amazing being!!!

:) Not even sure how to respond to that @bluemist and thank you definitely does not cut it.

Thoughts become things xxx

true story.

Are those roasted veggies smothered in ooey-gooey melty cheese! If they are... goodness help me!

Whereas some people think everything tastes better with bacon.. I believe everything is better is melted cheese.... YUMMY!

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