An In-Wall Aquarium Divider - My Vision Wall - No. 4

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago

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Some time back, I started creating what is called a "vision board". Ever heard of the concept? Well essentially it is like a pin board collection or collage if you will - of all your hopes, dreams and wishes. So whether it is a specific car you would like to own, the house you want to live in, the relationship you would like to have, travel dreams, goals of personal growth - WHATEVER!

It is a visual compilation driven with intent. It allows you to clarify the things you truly want with a concentrated focus because it is constantly on display for you to see or somewhere that you will refer back to it often - even if that is in a scrap book.

I used to have a physical vision board many years back but it got lost in one of my moves, so I have decided to start a virtual vision wall here on Steemit and share my additions to the wall as I make them. Obviously this being the very first vision wall post - the wall is rather empty... but I am looking forward to sharing it all with you as it fills up over time!


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I have had tropical aquariums in my life for so many years now, that I honestly cannot imagine living without the tranquility which they bring within the home. There is something so therapeutic about watching fish glide through water. The fish we have now, we have had for just over four years and we have just recently moved them into a new tank. We considered doing a coffee table tank because the tank itself really is such a beautiful feauture in the home, but having glassy tiles throughout the house, it was not really feasible with cables and all - unless we were prepared to incur relative additional expense to hide them, so we decided against it.

Ultimately, I would love to have a divider tank. As it turns out - our plans have taken a slightly different direction now, and it looks as though we will be staying where we are for now, until we have a house of brick and mortar out in the country (which reminds me... I will need to update my last pin on this wall re. the container home concept.) Anyway, I have derailed - my point being, once we DO get to the stage of designing our home, I would like to have an open plan lounge/kitchen area - I find it a lot more sociable and I would like to incorporate the aquarium as a divider of sorts... These are two ideas/visual concepts which I really like in terms of aesthetics...

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So there it is... naturally I prefer the larger concept, but that is a detail that will have to be decided closer to the time.




I hope you enjoy the journey with me...

Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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wannabe photographer in me...


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I first heard of the "vision board" concept about 25 years ago, when I was in my late-30s, and found it to be very helpful! I love your concepts, especially the one about using an aquarium as a room divider! How creative! Wow! 💙

Thank you for the shout-out! 😊

Pleasure hon! And yeah I have always LOVED that concept... so here's hoping I actually get to doing it hahaha!!! As for the "vision board" concept, I could not agree more! And boohoo to the skeptics haha ;)

Love it, Jaynie! Gosh, you ARE a true visionary. Are you an interior decorator by training or profession?

hehehehe @mepatriot, well no... but as a designer for my entire life, I guess this sort of thing just naturally inspires me :) A "hobby" of sorts if you will.... nothing I enjoy more than re-inventing spaces... ESPECIALLY when you have NOTHING and NO MONEY to do it with, because that REALLY makes you think out of the box and gets those creative juices flowing! money? That discourages me a bit...How will I ever make any if you're struggling at 68?

hahaha no, I was not being literal (nor referring to Steemit) - I was referring to decor and design projects :)

You've proven you do not need money for that anyway. Amazing.

I do love large saltwater aquariums... that's a lovely and very Zen addition to your Vision Wall. Gotta keep thinking positively; gotta keep dreaming!

So true @denmarkguy!!! Wonderful to see you pop in my comments... I know you have been really busy lately!

I have to agree - Salt water aquariums are the BEST!!! They are so colourful!!! but quite high maintenance from what I have gathered? So up until now, our tanks have always been fresh water tanks.... but not to say that cant change hey :)

Hope you are well!

Que hermosa decoración de esa casa @jaynie con ese Acuario en medio de la sala.

Wow! A great idea!
I've had fish all my life and could spend hours just sat watching, wonderful escapism! I love those tanks! 😍 I don't think there would be any need for the tv lol! We have some here in some McDonald restaurants haha!
Like the idea of a container home, I did notice some whilst away and was impressed with the concept. Also had a look in 'Paradise Park'.. that was interesting, was even tempted myself 😂

hahahahaha @ paradise park... the space itself was nice but some of those dirty old caravans.....yeeeuck!! hahaha!!!! And yes, agreed.... definitely no need for a TV when you can stare at the fish all day. Its totally hypnotising.

howdy there jaynie! oh man..really effective way to reach your goals or attain your desires, some of the most famous men and women in the world have achieved their success using a vision board but I'm sure you already know that!
love the concept of a dividing aquarium! brilliant.

Thanks @janton - yeah I love it too!!! Both the tank and the vision board concept hehe ;)

That would be relaxing. Aquariums in studies do show a reduction in a person's blood pressure. I don't have the room for one. But I did go to a fish store to visit some fish last week. I love them. Here is a photo of mine while in the store from my visit. He's telling me to take him home.


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