10 RANDOM things about ME - What a COOL challenge by @TwoDorks

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago (edited)


We all experience many freakish and unexpected events - you have to be open to suffering a little. The philosopher Schopenhauer talked about how out of the randomness, there is an apparent intention in the fate of an individual that can be glimpsed later on. When you are an old guy, you can look back, and maybe this rambling life has some through-line. Others can see it better sometimes. But when you glimpse it yourself, you see it more clearly than anyone. —Viggo Mortensen

So the other day, I was tagged by two of the most awesomesauce individuals in our @steemitbloggers community - @thekittygirl and @zord189 to take part in the 10 Random Things about ME Challenge. You can check out their posts here:


10 Random Things About Me – TheKittyGirl

I've been TARGETED to do the 10 Random Things – Zord189


Interestingly enough, just prior, I had recently crossed paths with the brainchild behind this challenge @twodorks, when curating some of her posts with my @theluvbug account… I saw the original post and thought ”hey, this is a cool idea! I should do it!” - Needless to say, my agenda ran away with me as it usually does lol – and I clean forgot about it… so I was conveniently reminded by the above mentioned lovelies!

I had intentions of compiling this post a lot earlier today, but I had quite a bit on my plate and ended up running around like a blue arsed fly, and only got home right at the end of the day. When sharing this news in our @steemitbloggers server, @zord189 clearly found amusement in the ”I have been running around like a blue arsed fly” expression – and mentioned that he had never seen one before ;) haha – so, I thought that before I got to my personal randomness… I would share some random randomness…. Haha! So… here you go… Introducing a “blue arsed fly!” hahahaha!!!!


Right, so now that we have that out of the way…
let’s move on to less interesting things haha!




Most women love their court heels and I must admit, that they have grown on me dramatically in the last 10 or so years... in fact, I own a few quite curious looking pairs... which I absolutely LOVE! Oh, but the ONLY court style heel you will EVER see me in, is a stiletto! My favourite pair being the "baby doll" black suedes on the far right! Those beauts have seen me through MANY a party haha! Second in line are the mismatched florals and last, but definitely not least in the best loved of my collection is my ankle strap camo's!!! - It's the PERFECT combo of "tom boy" and elegance.... (the ankle strap being the "elegance" part for anyone who was confused haha!


But, all that said... BOOTS are my passion! I simply LOVE boots! The higher the better!!! (Both in heel and boot height!) I love Winter, for the simple fact that I get to whip out all my best babies!!! I LOVE boots so much that I have written blog posts about them, dedicated pinterest walls to them and well... some more... hahaha!!! My FAVOURITE boots are the over the knee & thigh high variety... hehe I love, Love, LOVE them - and it is always so AMUSING to encounter the "LOOKS" they receive! (mostly not positive) which gives me even more of a personal laugh lol - who would have thought that a 15 cm difference would be so disastrous to some peoples eyes! hahahahahaha!!!! (small minds!)




Some years back, my son Jude, who at the time was probably 5 or 6, gave me one of his plush toys and told me very insistently that I was to sleep with him every single night. Well... I have done exactly that from day one and to be quite honest... at age 38, I am quite happy to say that if he is NOT in my arms when I go to sleep (because sometimes Benny has to take a bath lol), I feel quite lost without him! This has been a very special connection between my little boy and I and I know how important it is to him, still today at age 9. Sometimes benny likes to jump off the bed in the middle of the night lol... and Jude gets MOST upset when he comes into the room in the morning, finding him on the floor.... hehe... Meet BENNY BANANA!!! @happycrazycon




I have ALWAYS had a GREATLY curious mind for anything esoteric, alternative or spiritual. I have ventured quite heavily into several of those avenues through my teen years... starting with Christianity as a tween, then venturing into Paganism as a mature teen and then as an adult I was exposed to the daily practices of a Satanist...because, well... I was dating him. lol! - "was" being the operative word ;) - there was WAY too much doom, gloom and darkness there for my liking. I may be lured by it to some extent, but it is definitely not my thing... I discovered too, that Christianity also was not for me. Personally, the only practice which has ever held any TRUE resonance with me was paganism. I do not practice it any longer - but... there is an expression that goes something like this "take from it what you will and leave the rest" and that is what I have done with all of it! I am still completely fascinated by all things which challenge the mind and body, the unseen that connects us all and the ever present PURPOSE of this experience.




Yip! I don't care what ANY of the "nay sayers" have to whine about... haha... Dirty Dancing is my ULTIMATE MOVIE on SO many levels!!! I am giving away my age here... oh no, I already did that with the Benny Banana admittance haha!


...but seriously... to me, that movie has just the best of EVERYTHING that I am passionate about... Music, Dance, Romance and Eye Candy! haha... I mean whats not to love?!?!?! haha... I love that movie so much that, the first dance at my wedding was this song! - As it turns out, the song didn't know what the #$%$# it was talking about haha! ;)



I started ballet at the age of 5 because my hip was skew (severely turned inward) and when I walked, I used to drag my foot on the floor. It was so bad that my mom said I used to scrape all my toe nails off. Ballet was to assist in correcting that, which it did. It became a great passion of mine as a little girl... until I realised that the ballet instructor saw talent in me. She used to push me so hard, and would get so irritated by my distracting and ballet incompetent string bean friend Katherine and I giggling all the time, that she pushed me even HARDER. Eventually I lost my love for it and started bunking the lessons. I would just conveniently make sure I was there when it was "pick up time" lol - As an adult now though... I wish I had stuck to it. I know I would have been good at it. You can see "a little" of the skew hip in the below photo.... yeah, I am the redhead on the right haha!!! Speak to my mother @lizziesworld about that haircut! haha :) and MOM - that dress was VERY short! lol ;)



I will just stand back and allow you all a moment to get rid of the giggles... haha! I have grown up with it so am completely numb to it now. In fact my torment began at age 5. I can recall running around the playground trying to hide the WAY TOO LARGE, permanent marker rendition of my name on my little brown suitcase haha!!! And although spelt differently to the way it is pronounced, I do wonder as an adult, HOW it was that kids at THAT age in 1985 knew what a bloody WHORE was hahahaha!!!! Because I certainly didn't! LOL... All I knew was that in addition to being a freckled face red head, I was also a #$%@$# "Hoare" hahaha - Life sure can be cruel! hehe! But I survived lol! - Meet the "Hoare Clan" - and the me owning my brothers LIKE A BOSS!! hahaha (they will have plenty to say if they read that! lol) - OMG... my tricycle wheels are solid metal (fnck I am old! haha) and THAT IS HOW WE ROLLED IN THE 80's!!!! hahahahaha!!!




The colour green just does something to me! I literally "feeeeel" it! And this is apparent in all aspects of my life! I love being surrounded by greenery, nature and anything that resonates EARTH! It has been like that since I was a little kid! Interesting though, when Jude was about 6 months old, I walked into one of my moms art classes and one of her art students at the time (who had never met Jude or I before) looked at the two of us, and said to me "He is here to help you slow down and appreciate. He is your teacher and his colour is green" - it was SUCH a POWERFUL moment to me.... and without ANY influence from me... right up until now at the age of 9, I wont give you any points for guessing what Jude's favourite colour is.... yip - GREEN!



Many people see the symbols down my back and assume it to be one singular tattoo. This is not the case. I started with one and have only added them one at a time. Each symbol marks a triumph over challenge for me. Something in my life that tested me to breaking point. Once I reached a place of strength again, I marked it by adding another symbol. I love symbolism and these are all very powerful representations for me in my life.



Yes, strange but true haha! But I know I am not alone in this... my mom has this little "quirk" too. I simply get CONSUMED by the smell of a book... the older the better! The simple act of flicking through the pages and inhaling the "depth" gives me SUCH enormous pleasure! I have the same feeling towards newer content, like magazines too. There is just something so special about it to me... hehehe!




Considering the quote I started this post with, it somehow felt randomly "fitting" to end it off with something that in its own complete randomness - actually ended up steering the course of my entire life. By the middle of Std 8 (Grade 10), I knew I was going to fail... nobody in my family had ever failed before... and being the youngest and the only girl... i REALLY felt a lot of pressure! I was completely disinterested in school and spent most of my time smoking weed, throwing acid down my throat, clubbing and essentially disregarding most of life. I knew I had to find a way out of school before I failed and so I decided I wanted to do "graphic design" - I had no bloody IDEA what "graphic design" was! hahahaha!!! I went to my dad... NO. hmmmmm.... back to the drawing board. I went to the college, did the application, compiled the portfolio and was accepted a year younger than their admission age. Went back to dad. Dad said yes...WOOOHOOOO!!! I was FREE of yet ANOTHER judgement and failure!

That was all I saw it as at that stage, but it ended up being my greatest passion and something which I have in the last 17 years of practice learnt and acknowledged that I am massively skilled at! I have now chosen to "retire" myself from it on a daily basis, but I cannot deny the fact that it still speaks VERY loudly to me. It is something which comes completely instinctively to me and will forever be a part of my life. It kick started my career, led me to owning my own design and print businesses and ultimately SAVED me from a rather disastrous path. Random? Yes and no! ;)


So there it is! SH!T, this took a LOT longer than I anticipated hahahahaha!!!! - But, honestly - I enjoyed EVERY second of it! Always good to get a little "introspective" :) CHEERS to THAT!!!!

Ok, so in conclusion - theeeeeese are the peeps (if they have not already done it) that I am now tagging to participate.... @blewitt@jusipassetti@traciyork@snowpea@fionasfavourites@wales@goldendawne@rebeccabe@papacrusher@wrecktangle27

Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Oh, and if you wanna meet the
wannabe photographer in me...


Looking for some AWESOME Steemit Blogs to follow?

Check these peeps out...


There are way too many awesome bloggers to mention all at once,
so I will share different people at the foot of different posts.


My best friend is Darren Hoare. His girlfriend was called Michelle Creaven! I used to get a right laugh at their post box (creaven Hoare) ! 😂. But on a serious note he hates his name and calls his son by the Irish version de Orra. Which is cool.

Posted using Partiko iOS

hahahaha!!! that was a GOOD laugh!!! and yes, my dad just LOVES to go on about how its origins are Irish lol.... "ho - aaareeey" he pronounces it.... and we are all like "yeah dad, thats cool and all, but the rest of the world pronounces it WHORE! mmmmkay!" hahahahaha ;)

This is a great post. I have never heard that name before. You were an adorable little girl. You said you were old, while you were riding that 3 wheeler, tricycle I was driving a car. So you are not old. LOL

I always stood pigeon-toed so mom put me in ballet. It corrected it.
My husband got his degree in graphic design when we first married he was in school for that.

I also share your love for esoteric books. I see other things we have in common in here. great post!

hehehehehe.... birds of a feather hon! - YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL BIRDS!!!! :P ;)

Awesome post! It is great to know you a little better. You aren't the only one who loves the movie Dirty Dancing! and I am a little older (by quite a few years) than you! LOL

hahahaha!!! Good to know I am not alone :D

Oh boy!!! I will definitely be adding this to my list of upcoming posts!!

AWESOME to get to know you EVEN better!

I THOROUGHLY enjoyed it, but DAMN it took a LOT longer than I anticipated hahahaha!!! Must be the "non-random" OCD me that caused the problem of length hehehehe ;)

Oh boy. This will definitely take me a while 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

hhahahaha!!! have FUNNNNN!!!! :)

Very cool. Love things like this as it gives you a bit more insight into who that person is.

TOTALLY agree! was quite a lot of fun to do too :)

Even though I wasn’t nominated, I might end up doing one as well. Lol

What are you talking about??!!?? Your name is FIRST on the list of nominees :P ;)

Lol. Well thank you for thinking of me first....last. Lol.

I have done my duty and completed the challenge! 😉

hahaha Cool Beans ;)


I could have guessed the shoes part but boots are a bit different. Your maiden name is a brutal one! Growing up kids can be mean - so I can't even imagine!

The 10 random things is a good idea! Perhaps one day I'll do the same!

Thanks for sharing!

Brutal is the understatement of the year @mikeycolon hahahaha!!!!

Pretty interesting read and good to know about you @jaynie 👌 Love for boots to love for books . Two dorks have taken everyone by surprise...and opening up everyone on steem.

Posted using Partiko Android

hehehe thanks @steemflow :D Am glad you enjoyed the read! Yeah its a great challenge. Something.... random! hahaha ;)


So cool to know different things about you @jaynie; your teenage years sounded a lot like mine :) And the smell of books? I totally get it! I used to wander the streets of the old part of Detroit when I was in University and go to all the antique stores, looking for old books ... that I would smell :) No shite!

hahahaha!!! Kindred spirits @lynncoyle1 - kindred book smelling spirits LOL!!!

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