Exquisite Corpse: Get Off My Farm, Punk!” - Chapter Four

in #steemitbloggers6 years ago

Many thanks and courtesy to @blockurator for inviting me to participate in the writing relay of Ëxquisite Corpse: Get off My Farm, Punk. It is truly a priviledge to be included in this eight-part relay journey. The call for this journey was answered by :
@ireenchew (myself)

For this post of Chapter Four, expect a journey of mystical, phenomenal, deception and treachery.
Warning : Beware ! As your heart may not be able to take the suspense of this story which is to be unfold.

The end of Chapter Three by @quillfire

Hampton grimaced as he glanced at his glass of Merlot, still stirring the simmering Sun-Dried Tomato Alfredo Sauce. He glanced at a second frying pan with two browning chicken breasts, and at the pot of boiling Alfredo pasta. He peered into the dining room. Sheryl was setting the table and singing along as Billy Joel set the mood with ‘Vienna.’ She'd worn a dress that, while classy, subtly suggested intentions not in keeping with the sentiment.
“What have you got Sammy?” Hampton sighed.
“Another pile of charcoal.”

Chapter Four begins...

Cihuacoatl and Quetzalcoatl walked the streets of Manhattan in silence. Both of them in their own deep thoughts.


For 450 years, he's been in the VOID and yet he has no memory of what had happened to him. There were stories told by his predecessors that once you're in the VOID, time is endless and no memory will be restored once you're out from the VOID. It's as if part of your life's journey has ended and you don't know how or why.
What will he do now ? There's no other Gods left except for Cihuacoatl and him. How will they fight the White Man and his army. He looked around. These unworthy and unfaithful mortals, how could they do this to us! We're the Gods of Heaven and Earth. We have never deserted them in their moments of need and yet now, we're the undocumented alien in their world.

For the last century, she had seen many of the other Aztec Gods vanish in front of her. It started with Tezcatlipoca, God of the Great Bear constellation and of the night sky. Being in his original form a Jaguar, Tezcatlipoca spend most of his time at the Central Park Zoo in Manhattan. He had no fear for the White Man or his army. However, the White Man brought in their stealth drones that came in the night and shot Tezcatlipoca with green crystal look-alike-arrows. No one knew what these arrows were but it was claimed to be from another planet. News circulated around that a mortal who could fly feared these green crystals as well. But that wasn't all, the destruction of her fellow Aztec warriors were also due to lost of faith from the mortals. One by one, they all vanish and now it's only Quetzalcoatl and herself.

Cihuacoatl guided Quetzalcoatl to her car, an Aston Martin Vanquish Volante. This was one of her biggest joy in this new world where materialistic lifestyle is so readily available to the mortals.

"What is this, Cihuacoatl," Quetzalcoatl asked annoyingly.
"This is an automobile. A machine that the army of the White Man uses to transport themselves from one place to another. All mortals have it too. Now, hush and get in," Cihuacoatl replied back.


Quetzalcoatl wasn't pleased with the manner in which Cihuacoatl was behaving. This wasn't the women he had fallen in love with many centuries ago. While she may not look the same, he had hoped that she would still remember the old ways and not be clouded by this make-belief life created by the White Man. Cihuacoatl started the engine and almost immediately drove out from the parking lot and onto the main street. Within minutes, they were on the main highway heading towards her home in the countryside.

"Quetzalcoatl, there is something I must tell you before it's too late," Cihuacoatl said quietly. Quetzalcoatl nooded his head in acknowledgement and as a sign for her to continue.

In my 100 years I've been on this ground together with the other Aztec Gods, we may have found a way to end this part of the world. We may have found a way home, back to our world, back to the time before the arrival of the White Man. And only YOU can do it for all of us. Only YOU can bring us home. But, it's not going to be something that you like. Instead, this goes against everything that you hold true and dear too.

You need to go to the Underworld and ask HIM to help you. Only with his help we will be able to cast the fear back to these mortals and they will then seek protection and love from us. Once we have sufficient inner power, I can then rebuild our warriors with your blood.

"You must be out of your mind, Cihuacoatl ! Do you even know what you're asking of me. We have been at war with them for many centuries over and now you want me, Quetzalcoatl, God of Wind and Wisdom to go down to the Underworld and ask HIM for help," Quetzalcoatl said out loud.


Cihuacoatl is totally out of her mind. Seeking help from Asmodeus, Prince of Hell was totally out of the question. Now way in heaven was he going to knell before him and ask him for help. No God would ever trust a Demon and vise versa.

"Quetzalcoatl, please hear me out. If we had found another way, we would not have asked of you to do this. Many Aztec Gods have sacrificed their lives for this information and now it's up to you to bring us home. Is your pride bigger than the chance to make things right? You must remember that all this started because of your pride," Cihuacoatl pleaded.

Quetzalcoatl remembered it oh so clearly like it had just happened yesterday. He had broken the laws between the two worlds when he decided to intervened with the matters of the Underworld. Clarissa Lightwood was ever so beautiful and when she had asked him to help her save her brother, no will power within him could say no to her. Although, it meant breaking every single rule in the agreement of the alliance between the two worlds, Quetzalcoatl went head on with his army and entered the realm of the Underworld. Such places are only for warlocks, vampires, werewolves and seelies. Those who protected the alliance are known as the Shadowhunters and with Jardon Wincastle as the leader, no one dared to enter except for Quetzalcoatl.

Wars between both worlds began almost instantly. There was no stopping it even if anyone tried. This was the beginning of the end of both worlds. Many lives were lost because of the pride of one God. It was during this time, the White Man arrived into the world of the Living. Mortals gave up on all Gods and Demons and devoted themselves to their new found Master.

In the Mortal World

Standing at the alley, Fire Captain Sammy DeMoine looked at the pool of charcoal. It looked different this time around. Instead of just plain black, it had some gold colored residue in it.

Sammy DeMoine
This had got to go to the Forensic's Lab for further test. What happened to the previous test results from the lady in the public library? These white collar guys really do take their time to get their jobs done. If nothing comes in fast, the police force would be facing another public questioning again. Thank goodness, he opt to stick to being a fireman from the start.

Detective Jack Hampton appeared out of nowhere and stood next to Sammy. His pose firm and stiff. It's going to be a really long night for both of them. God knows what all this means.

Chapter Four ends here. And Chapter Five shall begin...


With this, I shall pass it on to @fromage to continue the journey of Quetzalcoatl....

bad gif.gif



Ha ha! Very well executed, @ireenchew. I, too, look forward to seeing how @fromage handles it from here.

Thank you. As I started writing there was no stopping. Kept telling myself that it's enough but I was so eager to continue 😊

Gods, Demons, Shadowhunters and the New York Underworld. @ireenchew serves all of it with elan.
@fromage has his hands full.
Quetzalcoatl on a quest to save gods.??
Captain Sammy DeMoine turning believer??
New gods??

Ha ha .. I did some research on the Aztec God's and thought it would be good to give it a bit of a twist. After all, I just love fantasy and hoping to spice it up a but for the next writer.
Eager to see where it goes from here 😊


OK, that's what I call twists! Well done. @fromage ... good luck. :-)


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