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RE: Hellbent caretakers - "Farmpunk" freewrite preparation

first time i ever hear about farmpunk lol ... i'm not a gremmer nazi but on a first scan you got three spelling mistakes, im not sure how much that matters to the contest owners (it wouldnt to me as the story or idea takes precedence) ... its an open road

looks like the story could go anywhere :))


I'm not a native english speaker so if you could point my mistakes to me, I'd appreciate it. How does the story sound so far? The contest owner's idea is basically rural cyberpunk.

I agree with this part:

im not sure how much that matters to the contest owners (it wouldnt to me as the story or idea takes precedence)

I too focus on the content (ideas) more than the written words, but many curators like @curie won't upvote a post that is full of typos.

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